
63 Community Engagement and Collaboration | Considerations | Equity, diversity, and inclusion

Commonly referred to as EDI, equity, diversity, and inclusion focuses on the several considerations that researchers should examine within their research teams and projects (including community engagement and KMb), which are described below. Please note that the below definitions come directly from the University of British Columbia Equity and Inclusion Office’s Equity and Inclusion Glossary of Terms.

Equity refers to achieving parity in policy, process and outcomes for historically and/or currently underrepresented and/or marginalized people and groups while accounting for diversity. It considers power, access, opportunities, treatment, impacts and outcomes, in three main areas:

  • Representational equity: the proportional participation at all levels of an institution;
  • Resource equity: the distribution of resources in order to close equity gaps; and
  • Equity-mindedness: the demonstration of an awareness of, and willingness to, address equity issues.

Diversity is a concept meant to convey the existence of difference.a group of people having a meeting

Differences in the lived experiences and perspectives of people that may include race, ethnicity, colour, ancestry, place of origin, political belief, religion, marital status, family status, physical disability, mental disability, sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, age, class, and/or socio-economic situations.

Inclusion is an active, intentional, and continuous process to address inequities in power and privilege, and build a respectful and diverse community that ensures welcoming spaces and opportunities to flourish for all.

Some other relevant resources that may help you with EDI considerations within your own work include:

  1. Housed within SSHRC, the New Frontiers in Research Fund (NFRF) has developed a guide entitled Best Practices in Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in Research (2021). While this resource is specific to the NFRF program it presents definitions, resources and guidance that is relevant across disciplines and programs. https://www.sshrc-crsh.gc.ca/funding-financement/nfrf-fnfr/edi-eng.aspx
  2. The University of Kansas Center for Community Health and Development has developed the Collaborating for Equity and Justice Toolkit (n.d.), which outlines 6 principles of collaborating for equity and justice, including definitions, resources, books and articles, and case studies. https://myctb.org/wst/CEJ/Pages/home.aspx
  3. Land acknowledgements often are mentioned when EDI is discussed, as they are an important part of Indigenization/Decolonization efforts. However, as outlined by the University of British Columbia Equity and Inclusion Office “it is important to note that inclusion and Indigenization/Decolonization are two seemingly related concepts with distinct histories, contexts, and frames of reference. It cannot be assumed inclusion is a substitute for Indigenization/Decolonization”  (n.d.). Below are some resources that discuss land acknowledgements and Indigenous community partnerships, it is recommended that you refer back to your own institution’s resources for more information and support around how to appropriately recognize the land on which you are conducting your work.


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