
105 Social Media | Documenting your Digital Content


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The following steps will allow you to document your existing digital and non-digital content to prepare to share it through social media.

Complete columns 1-5 of the Social media content worksheet to document your digital ecosystem/online content.

List the title of all your research outputs and materials emerging from the communications plan (column 1). List the location, either online or offline (column 2). Aim to have all materials available online. Most peer reviewed journal publications can be uploaded to your institutional repository, respecting the journal publication policy. For example: papers, abstracts, conference posters, presentations, webinars, recruitment posters, etc.  If you don’t know the open access publication policy of the journal, look it up on SHERPA/Romeo.

Search for your name online (using Google or another web search engine) and add all the elements of your digital identity in columns 1-5. Determine if any of these outputs can be shared on social media “as-is” or altered to be appropriate to be used on a social media channel? For example, many academic publishers are asking for visual abstracts to accompany paper submissions to journals. Could you share the visual abstract as an image in a tweet, with a link to the full journal article or paper?

Make a list of all the “social media ready” research outputs in columns 3-5. If the resource is not ready to share on social media, make a note in column 6. Ensure you have recorded all of the text, documents, audio recordings (interviews, podcasts) and images (videos, photos) in the following categories:

  • All the results when you google your name
  • Your website, either personal or institutional
  • Open access publications in your institutional repository
  • Online peer reviewed journal publications and research outputs
  • Finally, your existing social media content.

That is it for now. In next section, you will complete the rest of the worksheet.

Example Entry

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Research Output Location (URL) Type of output Does it have an image? Location (file or URL) Social Media to post on: Related Twitter users Audience Related hashtag(s) Tweet text Date to post
Example: An examination of how rainbows have been anthropomorphized between 1960 – 1995. Journal website (www.doi.org/1234z) Full paper published in Frontiers in Psychology Yes, Visual abstract On desktop rainbows_abstract.jpg Twitter account @DrSociology

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