168 Resources on Influencing Policy | The Co-Produced Pathways to Impact Framework (CPPI)
As all of the modules in this course have stressed, disseminating your findings and insights is essential throughout and at the end of your research project. However, dissemination alone may not be sufficient if you want to reach public policy makers. The Co-Produced Pathways to Impact (CPPI) model can help researchers create the conditions for impacting policy decisions by collaborating with public policy makers.
The CPPI model was created out of a need for a practical framework; it encompasses the interrelated realms of research, knowledge translation and/or commercialization and can be used for both planning and evaluation. It has been adopted by several federally-funded organizations within Canada including the Networks of Centres of Excellence (NCE) program and individual NCEs such as Kids Brain Health Network, PREVNet and CellCAN.
The CPPI framework encompasses four key stages:
- dissemination
- uptake
- implementation
- impact
In order to learn more about the CPPI framework and apply its principles to your research, you can engage with an existing free Udemy course on “achieving research impact.” The course is made up of 1.5 hours of short (2-3 minute) videos that explain how CPPI can help researchers craft an impact strategy.
Starting with a high-level overview of the CPPI framework, this course will take you through each stage of the framework from dissemination to impact, with worksheets for planning and evaluation at each stage. As the course progresses, you will get a closer and more detailed understanding of this multi-layered and practical framework.
In the CPPI course, you’ll learn how to plan and create indicators to evaluate your research and associated KT and commercialization project (or program) components in a way that sets you up to achieve impact using the logic model that underpins the CPPI.
You will also learn the importance of ongoing stakeholder engagement throughout all stages from research to impact, and how setting up your project in response to end-user (‘target audience’ or ‘customer’) need(s) right from the start is key. Finally, you’ll explore what stakeholder engagement can look like at each stage of the framework in terms of roles, levels of engagement, types of contributions to, and benefits gained from the project.
By the end of engaging with this resource, you’ll have valuable skills that will help you plan your projects, centred around achieving and assessing short-, medium- and long-term impact(s).

The Udemy course is free, and you will receive a certificate of completion upon finishing the course.