123 Data Sharing and Usage | Learning Goals and Resources

Proposed Learning Goals
By the end of the module, you will be able to:
- Identify and understand the key terms/laws/regulations related to data sharing and associated intellectual property rights.
- Demonstrate an understanding of considerations required for effective use of data in research projects.
- Understanding the evolving frame of reference for Indigenous data sovereignty.
- Learn the process for mapping the flow of data for a research project.
- Learn about some of the contractual language used related to data in research.
Learning Resources and Readings
In order to complete the module, you will need to consult:
- Data Ownership. Dr. Teresa Scassa. CIGI Paper No. 187. 50
- Indigenous Data Sovereignty – Retooling Indigenous Resurgence for Development. Dr. Chidi Oguamanam. CIGI Paper No. 234.51
- A guide to copyright (Government of Canada – CIPO) 52
- Personal Health Health Information Protection Act (Ontario) 53
- What is GDPR, the EU’s new data protection law? 54
Start by watching the following video on Canadian copyright.