
2 Introduction to Knowledge Management and Communications | Setting the Scene

person holding a lightbulb indicated a good ideaLet’s assume you are preparing to apply for a large grant, either on your own or with a team. You are incredibly excited about this new program of research – not only is the research question academically novel, but the research focuses on a question that’s being asked by decision-makers in government, industry and the community as well.

As you start to think about the proposal, though, a number of questions come to mind.

  • There’s so much potential for impact in this work – how can you plan to maximize that impact from the very start of the project?
  • Who else is interested in this area, and how should you involve them in the project?
  • What kind of data, products or knowledge might result from this research, and how can you best share them to ensure others can use this information?
  • What are funders even looking for in a knowledge mobilization plan?

You know that these questions will take some time to answer and decide to learn more about knowledge management to ensure that this project uses best practices, has a solid plan to communicate research to partners and stakeholders, and is well-positioned to achieve the impact you know this project can have.

This Knowledge Management and Communication course will support your research, your strategy and provide you with tangible products for career development.

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