
60 Community Engagement and Collaboration | Curated Links

Curated links bannerBelow are some additional resources that may support your learning on community engagement within a research context.

  1. Campus Connect. (2021). Making the Case for Community Engaged Scholarship (CES). Retrieved from https://compact.org/tenure-and-promotion-repository/making-the-case-for-ces/Campus Compact, which is a US based “national coalition of colleges and universities committed to the public purposes of higher education”, has developed a list of resources to help researchers make the case for community engaged scholarship.
  2. Chin, S. (2019). Best Practices for Community Engagement (Doctoral dissertation, University of British Columbia). Retrieved from https://open.library.ubc.ca/soa/cIRcle/collections/graduateresearch/66428/items/1.0386712 

    Chin (2019) completed a doctoral dissertation for the University of British Columbia on a community and wellbeing research project, entitled Best Practices in Community Engagement. This resource also includes a Principles for Engagement Framework Checklist resource.

  3. Groundwork USA. (2018). Best Practices for Meaningful Community Engagement. https://groundworkusa.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/GWUSA_Best-Practices-for-Meaningful-Community-Engagement-Tip-Sheet.pdf 

    Groundwork USA, which is a US based “network of local organizations devoted to transforming the natural and built environment of low-resource communities”, has developed a resource that highlights tips for “engaging historically underrepresented populations in visioning and planning”.

  4. Jordan, C. M., Joosten, Y. A., Leugers, R. C., & Shields, S. L. (2009). The community-engaged scholarship review, promotion, and tenure package: A guide for faculty and committee members. Metropolitan Universities, 20(2), 66-86. Retrieved from https://journals.iupui.edu/index.php/muj/article/view/20391 

    Jordan and colleagues (2007), as a part of the Community-Campus Partnerships for Health, have created a package for faculty and committee members around considering community-engaged scholarship within the review, promotion, and tenure (RPT)  process. This resource is important, because the RPT process “has been identified as a key challenge influencing higher education’s success in the formation of meaningful community higher-education partnerships” (p. 66). The above cited article provides useful background on the importance of community-engaged scholarship within the RPT process and information on how the package was developed. ​​The full Package is available on the Community-Campus Partnerships for Health website at https://ccphealth.org. Please note that this resource can also be used as a tool for planning your own career while doing CBPR work. 

  5. Jull, J., King, A., King, M., Graham, I. D., Morton Ninomiya, M. E., Jacklin, K., … & Moore, J. E. (2020). A Principled Approach to Research Conducted with Inuit, Métis, and First Nations People: Promoting Engagement Inspired by the CIHR Guidelines for Health Research Involving Aboriginal People (2007-2010). The International Indigenous Policy Journal, 11(2), 1-30. Retrieved from https://ojs.lib.uwo.ca/index.php/iipj/article/view/10635 

    Jull and colleagues (2020) have outlined how the Canadian Institutes of Health (CIHR) Research Guidelines for Health Research Involving Aboriginal People present a potential framework to “guide research with Indigenous people in ways that promote equitable partnerships within Western-oriented academic settings” (p. 22). There is also a plain language piece on this article that reviews the findings and recommendations, which is available online here https://theconversation.com/indigenous-community-research-partnerships-can-help-address-health-inequities-152705

  6. University of South Florida, Office of Community Engagement and Partnerships. (n.d.). Community-engaged Scholarship Toolkit. Retrieved from https://www.usf.edu/engagement/faculty/community-engaged-scholarship-toolkit.aspx 

    The University of South Florida has created a Community-Engaged Scholarship Toolkit for faculty based on the Community-Engaged Scholarship Review, Promotion & Tenure Package (Jordan et al. 2007). This toolkit reviews some important terms and distinctions for faculty (e.g. “How is engagement different from ‘outreach’?”, “What makes an activity ‘scholarship’?”, etc.). This toolkit also draws from various sources to outline the “Characteristics of quality community-engaged scholarship”, which include:
    Clear Academic and Community Change Goals
    Adequate Preparation in Content Area and Grounding in the Community
    Appropriate Methods: Rigor and Community Engagement
    Significant Results: Impact on the Field and the Community
    Effective Presentation/Dissemination to Academic and Community Audiences
    Reflective Critique: Lessons Learned to Improve the Scholarship and Community Engagement
    Leadership and Personal Contribution
    Consistently Ethical Behavior: Socially Responsible Conduct of Research and Teaching

  7. Neufeld, S. D., Chapman, J., Crier, N., Marsh, S., McLeod, J., & Deane, L. A. (2019). Research 101: A process for developing local guidelines for ethical research in heavily researched communities. Harm reduction journal, 16(1), 1-11. Retrieved from https://harmreductionjournal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12954-019-0315-5 

    Neufeld and colleagues (2019) have outlined a process for developing guidelines around conducting ethical research in heavily researched communities, particularly those that are marginalized. The background for this work is that research with marginalized communities often “benefits researchers disproportionately and leaves such communities feeling exploited, misrepresented, and exhausted” (p. 1). This specific resource focused on the Downtown Eastside neighborhood of Vancouver, Canada, where local academic researchers collaborated to “explore how [they] could work together to encourage more respectful, community-responsive research and discourage exploitative or disrespectful research” (p. 1). The resource further outlines a series of collaborative workshops that aimed to discuss community experiences around research and expectations for ethical research. The results of the workshops and resulting guidelines have been summarized in a report entitled “Research 101: A manifesto for ethical research in the Downtown Eastside”, which is available online at http://bit.ly/R101Manifesto (the citation for the report is Boilevin, L., Chapman, J., Deane, L., Doerksen, C., Fresz, G., Joe, D. J., … & Winter, P. (2019). Research 101: A manifesto for ethical research in the Downtown Eastside). 

  8. Phipps, D. (2021). Tenure and promotion is an issue for engaged scholars but maybe not for the reason you think. Research Impact Canada. Retrieved from http://researchimpact.ca/tenure-and-promotion-is-an-issue-for-engaged-scholars-but-maybe-not-for-the-reason-you-think/Research Impact Canada, which is a network that supports researchers, students and their partners to demonstrate the contribution to and impact of research excellence, has published an opinion-piece blog post entitled Tenure and promotion is an issue for engaged scholars but maybe not for the reason you think, written by David Phipps (2021). This blog post reviews some key considerations for tenure and promotion (T&P) for engaged scholars, as there can be challenges in how to best present community engagement from a scholarship lens. Within the post, Phipps further notes that T&P policies may not be the main issue for recognizing community engagement, but that the implementation of the policies may be where struggles arise. Phipps concludes the post by outlining some resources that may help support institutions in “[changing] their T&P policies to better accommodate engaged scholarship” and reviews some examples of how community-engaged scholarship has been incorporated within T&P policies at two institutions.
  9. Queen’s University Office of Indigenous Initiatives. (n.d.). Indigenous Research Training. Retrieved from https://www.queensu.ca/indigenous/decolonizing-and-indigenizing/community-research-partnerships-trainingQueen’s University’s Office of Indigenous Initiatives offers online open education training around Indigenous Community Research Partnerships.

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