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9 Carmichael, Kayla. “How to Write an Effective Communications Plan [+Template]” Huspot. January 19, 2021.  https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/communications-plan

10  Intrinsic Motivation (2010)

11 What is a Key Performance Indicator (KPI)? KPI.org, n.d.

12 Lankow, J., Ritchie, J., & Crooks, R. (2012). Infographics: The power of visual storytelling. John Wiley & Sons.

13 Smiciklas, M. (2012). The power of infographics: Using pictures to communicate and connect with your audiences. Que Publishing.

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15 Balas et al. 2000

16 Green, 2008

17 Green, 2009

18 Graham and Tetroe

19 Grol, 2001

20 McGlynn et al. 2003

21 Schuster et al. 1998

22 (Ford et al. 1990)

23 (Ontario Neurotrauma Foundation, n.d.)

24 SSHRC15

25 2012 article published in the Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, Roman Isler &Corbie-Smith

26 2013 article in the Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Bowen & Graham

27 (Goodman et al. 2017, p. 18)

28 Worton et al. 2017

29 Goodman et al. 2017, p. 19

30 Beaulieu, Breton, & Brousselle

31 Attygalle, L. (2020). Understanding Community-Led Approaches to Community Change. Tamarack Institute. https://www.tamarackcommunity.ca/library/paper-understanding-community-led-approaches-community-change-lisa-attygalle

32 Gonzalez, R. (2020). Spectrum of Community Engagement to Ownership. Facilitating Power. https://www.facilitatingpower.com/spectrum_of_community_engagement_to_ownership

33 Clinical and Translational Science Awards Consortium Community Engagement Key Function Committee Task Force on the Principles of Community Engagement (2011) Principles of Community Engagement (2nd ed.)  https://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/communityengagement/index.html

34 Attygalle, L. (2017). The Context Experts. Tamarack Institute. https://www.tamarackcommunity.ca/library/the-context-experts

35 Doucet & Mauthner, 2012; Smith, 2012

36 (see also, Plummer et al. 2020)

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42 Rogers, E. M. (2010). Diffusion of innovations. Simon and Schuster.

44 Lee, N. R., & Kotler, P. (2019). Social marketing: Behavior change for social good. Sage Publications.

45 Osterrieder, A. The value and use of social media as communication tool in the plant sciences. Plant Methods 9, 26 (2013). https://doi.org/10.1186/1746-4811-9-26

46 https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/social-media.asp

47 https://www.smartinsights.com/social-media-marketing/social-media-strategy/new-global-social-media-research/

48 https://buffer.com/library/social-media-marketing-strategy/

50  Data Ownership. Dr. Teresa Scassa. CIGI Paper No. 187. link

51 Indigenous Data Sovereignty – Retooling Indigenous Resurgence for Development. Dr. Chidi Oguamanam. CIGI Paper No. 234. link

52 A guide to copyright (Government of Canada – CIPO) – link

53 Personal Health Health Information Protection Act (Ontario) – link

54 What is GDPR, the EU’s new data protection law? – link

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