
Meet the Team

Dr. Kirsten Woodend RN, MSc, PhD

Kirsten Woodend

Dr. Kirsten Woodend is an Associate Professor at the Trent/Fleming School of Nursing, Trent University. She was the Dean of that School from 2011-2021 and has held both academic and clinical leadership roles over the past 30 years. She is committed to both her academic and local community, serving on the board of the Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing; working to address the peer support needs of amputees in her region, and serving as chair of the board of the local nurse-practitioner-led clinic.  My passion for ensuring that nursing leadership comes from nurses led me to work closely with a colleague at Ontario Tech to develop the MScN (professional practice leadership) that was launched a few years ago.  This online course is an extension of that work to support nurses’ access to the knowledge they need to lead nursing practice.  


Dr. Manon Lemonde RN, PhD

Manon Lemonde is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Health Sciences, Ontario Tech University in Oshawa since July 2003. Over the years in my career, I have been an advocate in building capacity and ensuring that the nursing force will grow. This book reflects my commitment to connect, inspire and engage nursing leaders of today and tomorrow.


Dr. Janet McCabe RN, MEd, PhD

Dr. Janet McCabe is an Associate Professor, and currently the Associate Dean (Nursing) within the Faculty of Health Sciences at Ontario Tech University.  Dr. McCabe’s research focuses on the health and well-being of individuals with intellectual disability, with a focus on the engagement of individuals with intellectual disabilities and their health care providers in health promotion initiatives and overall engagement in health care.  Within her academic portfolio, Janet is responsible for supporting faculty as they endeavor to advance nursing education through technology and simulation, as well as ensuring that clinical sessional instructors are well supported in their roles as educators in the clinical setting. Her passion for developing leadership in clinical nurses led her to partner in this project. 


Dr. Catherine Thibeault RN, PhD

Catherine Thibeault is an Associate Professor at the Trent/Fleming School of Nursing, Trent University. She states, “Even if a nurse is not in a formal leadership position, they are called upon to make leadership decisions as part of their everyday work with patients. In my long career, however, my hardest decisions were made easier with the input of a knowledgeable nursing leader. It is a great pleasure to present this work, in which experienced nurse leaders share their knowledge and wisdom, so that all nurses can see themselves as leaders, and all patients can benefit from their wise decisions.”


Cindy Clarke MSW, RSW

unknown face imageCindy was the part-time project manager for this course. She has more than 15 years of teaching experience in the post-secondary environment and more than 10 in coordinating experiential education. She is presently the Community and Experiential Education Coordinator for the Trent/Fleming School of Nursing and is working on her PhD in Canadian Studies.


Deborah Kelly

Deborah Kelly edited many of the modules to prepare them for entry into Pressbooks. Deborah has a BA (Hons) in English, has worked in a University environment as a manager and office administrator. In addition to expertise in editing written English she brought knowledge and expertise developed in marking student papers.


Stephanie Ferguson

Stephanie Ferguson is an eLearning Designer with Trent Online. Previously, she was the Curriculum Development and LMS Lead for the Indigenous e-Channel organization of Ontario providing access to free quality online education in remote northern communities. Stephanie has extensive experience in course design encouraging collaboration and innovation using educational technology.




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Leadership for Nurses in Clinical Settings Copyright © 2022 by Dr. Kirsten Woodend, Dr. Catherine Thibeault, Dr. Manon Lemonde, Dr. Janet McCabe is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.