

Academic accommodations

Accommodations such as alternate format for print materials, classroom captioning, arranging for priority registration, reducing a course load, substituting one course for another, providing note takers, etc.

Academic Advisor

The expert when it comes to providing advice on  dropping a course, your schedule, changing programs, how to communicate with your professors and can connect you with people to help you with your job search, questions about international visa, work permits, parking, security etc.


In educational institutions, accessibility is about making education accessible to all, particularly focusing on providing educational support to a diverse group of students, faculty, and staff with disabilities.


Third step (A) in the SOAR method.

Active reading

A planned, deliberate set of strategies to engage with text-based materials with the purpose of increasing your understanding.

analytical thinking

When we work through a problem by breaking it down into its component parts for separate analysis.

Assistive technologies

Technologies that help people with disabilities in the execution of everyday tasks at school or work.


Goals that are reasonable and within your ability to accomplish.


Learning mode where you learn best by listening.

blended learning

A learning method where you have some hours in a classroom with a professor and classmates, but you are also expected to take part in online activities outside of class time.


"A process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or behaviour" (Merriam-Webster. n.d.).

Complex Problem Solving

The skill of applying a method to a problem, often not seen before, to obtain a satisfactory solution; it requires a creative combination of knowledge and strategies to arrive at an answer.

concept map

A style of notetaking where you place a central idea in the centre of the page and then add lines and new circles in the page for new ideas; arrows and lines are used to connect the various ideas.


A situation that can arise when a difference in opinions, ideas, emotions, or behaviours escalates.

Contingency planning

Identifying potential problems and creating a back up plan for when things go wrong.

Cornell method

A style of notetaking that uses a two-column approach—the left column takes up no more than a third of the page and is often referred to as the “cue” or “recall” column, and the right column (about two-thirds of the page) is used for taking notes using any other notetaking method.


An acronym that stands for the 7 Job Skills for the Future: complex problem solving, resilience, social intelligence, implementation, global citizenship, novel and adaptive thinking and self-directed learning.

Creative thinkers

People who often seek out new ways to solve problems or identify a need that they want to fulfill; they are often entrepreneurs and "big idea" people.

Crisis Management

Involves working to resolve the immediate problem first and then reflecting on what happened to develop a strategy that will help avoid the same problem in the future.

critical thinking

Includes some form of judgment that thinkers generate after carefully analyzing the perspectives, opinions, or experimental results present for a particular problem or situation.


Like ethnicity, refers to shared characteristics, language, beliefs, behaviours, and identity.

daily top three approach

A simple technique where you determine which three things are the most important to finish that day, and these become the tasks that you complete.


When your body does not have as much water and fluids as it needs.

discretionary activities

Things you don’t have to do for school, work, or a healthy life.


The great variety of human characteristics, ways that we are different even as we are all human and share more similarities than differences.

eat the frog

Strategy that applies to time and task management based on the concept that if a person takes care of the biggest or most unpleasant task first, everything else will be easier after that.

Effective studying

is an ongoing process of reviewing course material.

Emotional balance

Balancing the negative with the positive in a way where we can be generally be happy even if we’re saddened by some things.


How we first perceive information through our senses - sight, hearing, taste, touch and smell.

Essay questions

Used by professors to evaluate your thinking and reasoning applied to the material covered in a course. Good essay answers are based on your thoughts, supported by examples from classes, and reading assignments.

ethnic group

A group of people who share a common identity and a perceived cultural heritage that often involves shared ways of speaking and behaving, religion, traditions, and other traits.


Learning mode where you learn best by associating emotion to the learning.

Fixed vs. Growth Mindset model

A student’s perception about their own learning accompanied by a broader goal of learning had a significant influence on their ability to overcome challenges and grow in knowledge and ability.


when a person becomes "invisible" as they refuse to engage in a group project, don't answer emails or stops communicating with the group.

Global citizenship

Having a worldview grounded in civic responsibility and ethics.


A specific end result you desire.

goal setting

A method used to accomplish tasks and stay motivated.

Good stress

Stress in amounts small enough to help you meet daily challenges; also a warning system that produces the fight-or-flight response, which increases blood pressure and your heart rate so you can avoid a potentially life-threatening situation.

hidden curriculum

A phrase used to cover a wide variety of circumstances at school that can influence learning and affect your experience. Sometimes called the invisible curriculum, it varies by institution and can be thought of as a set of unwritten rules or expectations.


Learning mode where you learn best by doing.

learning goals

Goals that focus on finding opportunities to share ideas and ask questions in order to gain more knowledge.

Learning preferences

The mode or combination of modes that learners tend to prefer or respond well to.


A style of notetaking that involves noting down ideas as they are presented; this method is often used as a fallback when students haven’t learned other methods and it is not easy for students to prioritize ideas in this method.

Long-term goals

Goals that may begin with graduating college and everything you want to happen thereafter.


A goal that has clearly defined outcomes that are detailed enough to measure and can be used for planning how you will achieve the goal.


A form of learning that does not always require deeper understanding.


Thinking about how we learn (thinking about thinking) in order to ahcieve strong and postive results for your own learning.

Midterm goals

Goals that involve plans for the current year and the time you plan to remain in college or at your current job.


Being present with your thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and surrounding environment; also without judgment—meaning there is no right or wrong way to think or feel in a given moment.


Involves an attitude of respect for the feelings, ideas, behaviours, and experiences of others who differ from oneself in any way.

Myers-Briggs Personality Assessment

One of the most popular personality tests that consists of four main traits that are represented by two opposites: Extroverted (E) vs. Introverted (I), Intuition (N) vs. Sensing (S), Feeling (F) vs. Thinking (T), Judging (J) vs. Perceiving (P).

Negative bias

The psychological trait of focusing on the negative aspects of a situation rather than the positive.


Anything that gets in the way of a message getting through.

Novel and Adaptive Thinker

A person who is creative in analysis and solutions; they address complex and sometimes controversial issues with a humble and open-minded attitude.

Online college courses

Courses where the instructor is no longer the central figure in the learning environment and the student becomes the central actor in their own learning journey.

Online quizzes/tests

Included in your learning management system (FOL at Fanshawe) and require some additional planning to manage the technical aspects.

open book

Professors often give this type of test when they are more interested in seeing your thoughts and critical thinking than your memory power.


Second step (O) in the SOAR method.

outline method

A style of notetaking that places most important ideas along the left margin, which are numbered with roman numerals; supporting ideas to these main concepts are indented and are noted with capital letters.


A strong feeling of worry that can lead to making decisions based on strictly emotional reactions.

Paper tests

A very common type of test, requiring students to write answers on the test pages or in a separate test booklet or bubble sheet.

performance goals

Goals that focus on appearing intelligent in front of others who are very good at certain tasks but often avoid taking necessary risks for the fear of appearing foolish.

personal values

The things that are important to you and motivate you in your personal and work life.

Pomodoro Technique

A study technique developed by Francesco Cirillo where basic concept is to use a timer to set work intervals of about 25 minutes that are followed by a short break.


Name of the work intervals in the Pomodoro technique.


Ordering tasks and allotting time for them based on their identified needs or value.


The act of delaying some task that needs to be completed.


What we generally think of as biological differences; often defined by what some think of as skin colour. Such perceptions are often at least as much social as they are biological.


Learning mode where you learn best by reading and taking notes.


Fourth step (R) in the SOAR method.


A goal that applies to the specific situation.


When the brain allows to recall or retrieve a feeling or information from our long-term memory since it is important and we have had frequent exposure to it.


The ability to keep trying and not give up when things get tough until something is finished or accomplished.


An acronym that stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound.


First step (S) in the SOAR method.

self-directed learner

An autonomous, organized, and self-disciplined learner who is able to communicate effectively, accept constructive feedback and engage in self-evaluation and self­-reflection.

self-directed learning

A learning skill where learners are able to study, practice, and solve problems on their own.

Short answer questions

Designed for you to recall and provide some very specific information.

Short-term goals

Goals that focus on today and the next few days and perhaps weeks.


SOAR is an acronym formed by the fist four letters of a series of steps that will help you reach your goals while at school and in the workplace after you graduate. It stands for: self-assess, opportunity, action, and reflect.

Social Intelligence

Being able to interact positively with others, building strong healthy relationships, and thriving in social environments.

soft skills

Skills that are not directly related to your job but are considered extremely valuable to employers. Examples include: adaptability, attention to detail, and a positive attitude towards learning.


A goal that is defined enough to actually determine the goal.

step-by-step action plan

A simple plan that outlines each step that is necessary to complete a task.

stress is chronic

Stress that is always present and so overwhelming that it starts to damage your body.

successful learner

A learner who knows how to structure their schedule and prioritize their tasks in order to use their time as effectively as possible ultimately making studying less of a burden and more of a simple routine.

systemic challenges

Challenges like racism, discrimination, harassment, inclusion, sexual violence, or gender bias that can impact students ultimately leading them to struggle with emotional or mental health issues.

Take-home tests

Like open-book tests except you have the luxury of time on your side. The professor will likely expect more detail and more complete work because you are not under a strict time limit and because you have access to reference materials.

teacher-directed classrooms

Classrooms where the teacher is the central figure, and the students take direction about what to learn directly from the instructor.

technical skills

Types of skills that you may see listed on a job posting and are often specific to the job. Examples include the ability to create spreadsheets that accurately capture financial data, identifying elements of design for a website, and writing a business plan.

Test anxiety

A psychological condition in which a person feels distress before, during, or after a test or exam to the point where stress causes poor performance.

the act of learning

A process that physically changes our brains by altering neurons and creating new paths to receptors.

time management

In college, managing your time requires managing all the elements of your life as well as managing time for class and to complete assignments.


A goal with a specific set time frame in which it must be achieved.

video tests

You may be asked to respond to written prompts and record you answer in video format, which will mean ensuring you have the right equipment (working camera, microphone, quiet space, etc.).


Learning mode where you learn best by seeing pictures, graphs, and charts.


Acronym created by the military that stands for volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous; created to describe how many of us are in a constant state of overdrive as a result of living in this VUCA world.


Feeling good in every respect, in mind and spirit as well as in body.


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