Book Title: Fanshawe SOAR
Subtitle: Strategies for Success in College
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Book Description: The goal of the Strategies for Success and College Orientation for Success courses is to build a learning community, where students reflect on where they are right now, identify what they need, determine what resources are appropriate, recognize faculty, staff and their peers role in their development, and formulate a plan to actively engage in their developmental growth from college to career.This textbook will support approximately 2200 first term students at the Lawrence Kinlin School of Business at Fanshawe College.
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Book Description
At it’s core, Fanshawe College is committed to helping students develop skills valued by Canadian employers. Throughout the text, you will find direct and indirect reference to the 7 Job Skills for the Future to help make connections between these skills and what they are learning in this class.
The SOAR model will be used throughout this book to guide students as they Self-Assess their current their strengths and weaknesses, identify Opportunities to improve, create an Action plan and then record and Reflect on how to implement their plan to achieve success.
Each chapter will follow the SOAR pattern but it’s important to recognize that SOAR is not a linear model. It should be viewed as a continuous improvement cycle. After reflecting on what they have learned, students can reassess where they are, to identify what opportunities come next, and make any necessary adjustments to their action plan.
Fanshawe SOAR Copyright © 2023 by Kristen Cavanagh is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.
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