Protocol for Alkaline Lysis Miniprep
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Materials and Reagents
Reagents: | Materials: |
1. Step 1 will be done for you: Inoculate LB-medium with a single colony. Grow to saturation (overnight).
2. Write down the protocol from the PureLink® Quick Plasmid Miniprep Kit manual prior to coming to the lab. Make sure you include the safety considerations when working with the buffers specified in the manual. You will be using a centrifuge to purify your plasmids. Each student will miniprep 1 reaction. Each student will pellet 1.4 mL of bacterial culture/miniprep. Also, please note that the final elution step will change. Instead of 75 µL of TE buffer, you will add 40 µL of nuclease free water.
Once you are finished please wash your hands!