
Ancillary Resources for Educators

Communication Essentials for College is specifically designed to support a foundational college course with a focus on academic writing, research, and presentation skills.  The examples within the book emphasize the importance of academic integrity and teach students how to acknowledge sources following APA guidelines.

The informal, conversational language of the book models clear, concise, and professional language that facilitates communication and engagement.

Chapters 11-15 provide ancillary information on grammatical and sentence weaknesses common in student writing. When evaluating student work, instructors can also direct students to these chapters for additional support.

Printable Copies of the book

Last updated Sept. 6, 2024

You are welcome to download / print various student versions of the book as posted on the main page of the book or the Accessing and Using Communication Essentials for College page. Additionally, here are the print/PDF versions of Chapters 1-10 (main textbook content) and Chapters 11-15 (grammar chapters) for your convenience.

Linking to this OER in Blackboard/LMS

The full URL to access the web version of this OER is: https://ecampusontario.pressbooks.pub/gccomm/

Some Georgian students have noted navigation issues when accessing this OER through a link in Blackboard. When adding the link into your course shell, experiment with the link options. If the link opens WITHIN a Blackboard window (doesn’t open in a new tab or window, disconnected from Blackboard in your browser), students may not be able to access basic navigation features such as the previous/next buttons (located in bottom left and right corners of the browser window) or the drop down table of contents (located in the top left corner of the browser under “Contents”).  This works well if you want students to focus only on one page/section. If students need to navigate beyond the exact page you’ve linked to, you may need to adjust the link.

If you or your students encounter navigation issues, please connect with the COMM team or the OER Design Studio team for assistance.

Summary Slides by Chapter

Last updated August 16, 2024

Updates to the design of the slides, faculty are encouraged to check content carefully (some slides have been generated using AI summaries) and check for accessibility before using/posting. Content in Chapter 1b PPT has been updated.

Quiz bank

Georgian College Faculty: Quiz bank questions have been loaded into your live course shells in Blackboard. Please see the Quizzes & Pools section to access.

Questions, Comments or Suggestions?

  • Please let us know if you are using this text or have questions, comments or suggestions
  • Email our team at OER [at] georgiancollege.ca


Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

Communication Essentials for College Copyright © 2022 by Jen Booth, Emily Cramer & Amanda Quibell, Georgian College is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.