
Conclusion and References


Fortunately, the vast majority of burn injuries can be managed with simple outpatient wound care and ambulatory clinic follow-up to ensure that all involved areas heal and do so without debilitating scarring. Selected patients require burn unit admission and surgical management, and this course requires a centralized infrastructure supported by a range of multi-professional experts.

Key Takeaways

  • Severe burn patients and those that meet specific criteria should be referred to regional burn units
  • For major burns, intravenous access should be obtained and a urinary catheter inserted
  • All burns should be immersed in cool running water (not ice water) for 20 minutes and then covered
  • Decompressive escharotomies are emergency procedures for constricting circumferential deep burns of the arms, legs, abdomen, and chest
  • Adequate fluid resuscitation is the most critically important aspect of early major burn care, and aims to maintain tissue and organ perfusion and minimize systemic sequelae, especially renal failure
  • Burn patients and their families/circle of care require emotional support from the healthcare team members



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