
Conclusion and References

What about Mary?

Mary’s case study was drawn from research examining how health care professionals identify and address lifestyle factors (Norton, 2018).  Two different health care providers, in two different geographical locations identified a similar patient (Mary).  Both health care providers identified baking cookies with the grandchildren as a potential lifestyle factor impacting the trajectory of wound closure, because the client was spending too much time on their feet during this activity.  Both clinicians reported that they had addressed the lifestyle factor.  The first clinician reported that they told the client to stop baking cookies with their grandchildren.  The second clinician worked with the client, ensuring appropriate footwear during the baking activity, developing strategies of how the grandchildren could participate in different ways to help reduce the amount of standing required etc.

Both health care providers identified and addressed the lifestyle factors, but who’s patient would you like to be if you were in Mary’s situation?

Key Takeaways

  • By assessing and addressing client centered concerns, this may help build a good rapport with the patient and increase the client’s readiness for change
  • Goals are set based on the client’s interest and are jointly developed between them and  their interprofessional team
  • Regular check-ins to review the client’s progress may help empower them to manage their chronic wound for a realistic outcome


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