
Conclusion and References


Healing trajectories are a useful tool for evaluating “time to healing”, especially with the utilization of clinical data (Payne et al, 2011). Wound healing trajectories are useful for both acute wounds and chronic wounds, including venous stasis ulcers (Kantor and Margolis, 2000; Hill et al, 2004; Steed et al, 2006; Cardinal et al, 2009) and diabetic foot ulcers (Sheehan et al, 2003; Cardinal et al, 2008). The value of wound trajectory utilization for pressure injuries has also been proven (Hill et al, 1999; Payne et al, 2001; Payne et al, 2011). Efficient clinical trial protocol designs should include wound healing trajectories.

Key Learning Points

  1. An accurate wound diagnosis is an important first step in determining the ability of the wound to heal
  2. Chronic wounds fall into one of three categories: healable; maintenance and nonhealable
  3. Wound status can change and should be regularly monitored
  4. Healing trajectory is a more reliable wound tracker than single point wound area measurement



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