3.4.8 Observation and Problem Solving Case Study 4
This case study is adapted from a real situation. All names are aliases, and any identifiers are removed for privacy.
Case Study
Your home-care client Mr. Rietta has been sad and withdrawn since his wife passed away several years ago. Initially, he was grieving, but lately he has commented that he feels lonely and he wishes people would come and see him more. You sense an opportunity to improve Mr. Rietta’s quality of life.
Your Task
Answer the following question:
- What will you do?
After completing this task by writing your answer in your notes, please scroll down below the following image for your case study feedback.

Case Study Feedback
The following feedback for the chapter case study is meant to provide guidance for your own practice. The answers provided are suggestions, and you may have additional ideas which are not covered below. Then, the resolution of the case as it occurred in real life is provided for your reference.
Your answer may include any of the following actions:
- Speak to Mr. Rietta about his likes and dislikes, and the types of activities (clubs, groups, meetings, movies, outings) he enjoyed in the past.
- Connect with family to see what contact they could contribute either by electronic, phone or in-person meetings.
- Connect Mr. Rietta with mental health resources to monitor his feelings of sadness and encourage him to continue to voice his feelings and reach out to others when sad. The word sad is sometimes used to express depression without stigma, so it is important to support Mr. Rietta’s mental health.
- Continue to monitor his progress each visit, and report on progress each visit.
After speaking with the client about his likes and dislikes, Mr. Rietta’s care provider reported back to her supervisor about the situation and Mr. Rietta’s preferences. Together, and with the input of the Local Health Integration Network (LHIN), they created a plan of action to create a list of like-minded groups and community agencies to see if any would be a good fit for the client, arrange transportation to and from events he was interested in, and support with funding if needed. Furthermore, the care provider arranged for Mr. Rietta to receive weekly dinner invitations from family members. Mr. Rietta was also referred to a talk therapy group for seniors, which he found helpful. Upon monitoring Mr. Rietta, the care provider was satisfied that his quality of life and mental health had improved.
Media Attributions
- SELF Magazine, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons