Chapter 10: Communication

How does one individual communicate with another individual? How do people communicate with each other in a workplace or in society? Communication is not only important within organizations, but also within everyday lives. In this chapter, communication, the communication process, communications within learning organizations, opening channels of communication, and communicative media and technology in education will be defined. The importance of communication within learning organizations, and trends on how the future will look will be outlined and explored.
The learning outcomes for this chapter are:
- Define communication and the communication process.
- Define the concept of encoding and decoding.
- Define and compare the types of communication within organizations, and describe their importance within them.
- Define the concepts used in organizations that lead to open communication.
- Compare and contrast the new trends in media and technology within education and learning organizations.
Chapter Tips:
- Think about the importance of communication within an organization.
- What is the importance of giving and receiving feedback?
- What are some effective communication tools to use in a learning organization?