Book Title: Demography and Economics

Book Description: Family structure, life expectancy, migration, aging, population growth, and sustainability are explored with reference to economic influences and consequences. Government policies are considered and critiqued. Most chapters include class discussion questions, and exercises with answers.
Book Information
Book Description
Praise for Demography and Economics:
“Covers a great deal of material and does so well.” Professor Emeritus Byron G. Spencer, Department of Economics, McMaster University
“Demography and Economics is a wonderful, comprehensive introductory text. It provides a solid foundation in the linked discourse of economics and demography for undergraduate students and a great crash course for graduate students.” Professor Maxwell Hartt, Department of Geography and Planning, Queens University
“The relationships between economic factors and the key demographic elements are presented with contemporary examples and updated references. The main concepts, theories, measurements concerning economics of population changes are presented in a way that is easy to follow for students. The exercises attached to each chapter are also well developed,
enabling a relatively easy delivery of the course materials for teaching staff.” Professor Fei Guo, Department of Management, Macquarie Business School, Macquarie University, Australia.
Demography and Economics Copyright © 2024 by Anya Hageman is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.
Population and demography