
Chapter 3 – Project Manager as a Leader

3.13. Chapter Summary

The role of the Project Manager is key to success.  The MIT Sloan Management Review suggests four roles of the Project Manager which include collaboration, integration of planning with learning, prevention of disruptions, and maintenance forward momentum. Human Resources supports the hiring of Project Managers, selecting people who have communication skills including listening, negotiation and conflict resolution. Project Managers may need or have different leadership skills depending on the project.  It is essential for the Project Manager to have leadership and managing skills to successfully lead and manage the team. Human Resources can develop Performance Reviews and set goals for the Project Manager and the team prior to the project starting.

Emotional Intelligence (EI) is a popular assessment used to select or provide professional development for Project Managers and teams. It is based on self-awareness, self-regulation, empathy, and relationship management. Other popular assessments are Myers-Briggs, The Big Five, the DISC Method and The Big Five.  Each has its own way of measuring the leadership and management skills of Project Managers and teams. Human Resources Specialists would be trained prior to offering these assessments.  In turn, they would administer the assessments to support the Project Manager and team in their professional development.