
Chapter 3 – Project Manager as a Leader

3.12. Key Terms

Develop Collaboration: The various parties to the project are loosely coupled, whereas the tasks themselves are tightly coupled. When unexpected events affect one task, many other interdependent tasks are quickly affected. Yet the direct responsibility for these tasks is distributed among various loosely coupled parties, who are unable to coordinate their actions and provide a timely response. 3.2

Develop Results Based on Standard Criteria: The standard criterion is the success of the project. This implies that the parties develop a common definition of project success. 3.3

DISC Method: Which rates people’s personalities by testing a person’s preferences in word associations in the following four areas: Dominance/drive, Inducement/ influence, submission/steadiness and, compliance/ conscientiousness. 3.4

Emotional Intelligence: This is an important part of the project manager’s ability to build trust among the team members and with the client. It is an important factor in establishing credibility and open dialogue with project stakeholders. 3.6

Focus on Common Interests: By avoiding the focus on differences, both parties are more open to finding solutions that are acceptable. 3.3

Generate Options That Advance Shared Interests: Once the common interests are understood, solutions that do not match with either party’s interests can be discarded, and solutions that may serve both parties’ interests can be more deeply explored. 3.3

Integrate Planning with Learning: “Project managers faced with unexpected events employ a ‘rolling wave’ approach to planning. Recognizing that firm commitment cannot be made on the basis of volatile information, they develop plans in waves as the project unfolds and information becomes more reliable. With their teams, they develop detailed short-term plans with firm commitments while also preparing tentative long-term plans with fewer details. 3.2

Maintain Forward Momentum: “When unexpected events affect one task, many other interdependent tasks may also be quickly impacted. Thus, solving problems as soon as they emerge is vital for maintaining work progress.” 3.2

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI): It is a tool that can be used in project management training to develop an awareness of preferences for processing information and relationships with other people. Myers-Briggs identifies 16 personality types based on four preferences derived from the questionnaire. 3.8

Prevent Major Disruptions: Successful project managers “never stop expecting surprises, even though they may affect major remedial changes only a few times during a project. They’re constantly anticipating disruptions and maintaining the flexibility to respond proactively. 3.2

Separate People From The Problem: Framing the discussions in terms of desired outcomes enables the negotiations to focus on finding new outcomes. 3.3