
Chapter 11 – Agile PM

11.13. Learning Activities and Exercises for Students/Teachers

The learning activities can be completed by the Students on their own as a learning opportunity to integrate the materials from the textbook for assignments or tests/exams. Or, they may be used by the Teachers as learning activities in class, or for short answer questions on tests/exams.

Learning Activities for Students/Teachers

  1. Individually, think about a school project you are working on now. How could you go about setting up a Scrum Meeting? Try it!  Set up a meeting! Be the Scrum Master!  Following the meeting, ask your team members if they prefer a Scrum Meeting over a traditional meeting. Report back to the larger group in class and discuss your findings and preferences.
  2. Form a small group. Individually, think about a project (work or academic) you have completed (make a choice) where the: 1. Scope was vague. 2. The technology was vague 3. The scope and the technology were vague.  Discuss this with your team members.  Would Agile Management have been useful for this project?
  3. Form into a small group. Ask each other:  Would you prefer to be part of an Agile Management team or a Traditional Project Management team?  Explain.
  4. Form into a small group. Answer this question:  Do you believe that you could work in a self-organizing team?  Why?  Why not?

These exercises can be completed by the Students to integrate learning materials for assignments/tests. Or they can be used by the Teachers in class to integrate learning or used on tests/exams.

Exercises for Students/Teachers

  1. Under what circumstances would it be useful to utilize Agile Management?
  2. What is the iterative development process? What is the value of iterative development?
  3. What are the advantages of Agile Management over Traditional Project Management?
  4. What are the disadvantages of Agile Management?
  5. What are the differences between a Project Manager and a Scrum Master?
  6. Why are self-organizing teams used in Agile Management rather than traditional project teams?
  7. Would it be difficult to use Agile Management on a 3-million-dollar project? Why? Why not?
  8. What are the 3 different roles in the Scrum process?
  9. How could Human Resources support the roles and responsibilities of the Scrum process?