
Chapter 10 – International Projects

10.11. Learning Activities and Exercises for Students/Teachers

The learning activities can be completed by the Students on their own as a learning opportunity to integrate the materials from the textbook for assignments or tests/exams. Or, they may be used by the Teachers as learning activities in class, or for short answer questions on tests/exams.

Learning Activities for Students/Teachers

  1. Form a small group. Do you believe that outsiders (expatriates) working in the local community of another country can influence an international project? Why? Why not?
  2. Form a small group. Discuss the importance of honouring a country’s values, beliefs, and customs.  Discuss what value it will bring to an international project.
  3. (may work in a class that has international students). Individually, find someone who has moved from another country. The teacher may assign (pair up) students from abroad. This could be used as an assignment too. Interview this person. Ask them:  1.  How they experienced culture shock?  2.  What did they learn about culture shock? 3. What advice would they give someone else who was moving from their home country to a new country?
  4. Form a group of 4. Individually, Research: Spain, India, Brazil, and Australia.  What are the customs and beliefs of each country?  Discuss with your group members what you discovered.  How could you, as a Human Resources Specialist, prepare an expatriate for each of these countries.  Would the preparation be the same?  Or different?
  5. Individually, select a county that might be dangerous for expatriates. Look up the travel advisory for this country.  Discuss with the larger group in class the safety issues you discovered.
  6. Form a small group. Human Resources is involved in training at all stages of an international project. What type of training would you design for expatriates Pre-Departure? During the project? Upon closure of the project?

These exercises can be completed by the Students to integrate learning materials for assignments/tests. Or they can be used by the Teachers in class to integrate learning or used on tests/exams.

Exercises for Students/Teachers

  1. How does the environment affect projects implemented at an international level?
  2. What is culture shock? What are the stages?  How can Human Resources support or reduce the negative aspects of culture shock?
  3. How can Human Resources support international expatriates prepare for international assignments?
  4. List the differences between domestic and international involvement with employees on projects?
  5. How do Human Resources Specialists go about hiring expatriates for international projects? What skills, experience, talents do they look for?
  6. Sometimes it is best to hire team members locally for international projects. Why would this be the best decision for the project in some cases?  When would it not be a good choice to hire locally?