
15.4 Conclusion

Reflection Activity 

Returning to Dhavit, who is preparing to give feedback to Samantha:

  • What are some ways he can provide feedback?
  • Which method is preferred? What are some things he should
  • consider while giving the feedback to ensure Samantha is successful in presenting?


Quick Quiz


  1.  Review a TedTalk or similar presentation. Focus on strengths and weaknesses from your perception, and provide feedback to the speaker as if they were a colleague. Post your feedback and compare with classmates.
  2. Find a presentation online with comments posted below the video. Choose one example of feedback from the comments and share it with your classmates. Note any trends or themes that present themselves as you explore the comments. Does the “audience” provide appropriate feedback?
  3. Why is good feedback important at school and in the workplace?
  4. What seven qualities make feedback useful and effective?
  5. What’s an easy three-step method for giving feedback?
  6. What five things can you do to accept and learn from feedback?


Feedback – a receiver’s response to a source. Feedback can be non-verbal, verbal or written.

Johari Window – a framework that can be used to better understand ourselves and others through recognition of unconscious bias and our willingness to receive feedback.

Non-verbal feedback – non-verbal clues about how the audience is feeling including body language and eye contact.

Verbal feedback – asking questions or paraphrasing the speaker’s message.

Written feedback – feedback or evaluations which are written down.

Additional Resources

Visit this About.com page for an informative article for managers on how to deliver feedback to subordinates. How to Provide Feedback That Helps Employees Improve

Read more about how to accept and benefit from feedback in this e-zine article. Workplace Communication – Accepting Feedback

ChangingMinds.org discusses Rogers’s five feedback types with examples. Rogers’ Five Feedback Types

Chapter References

Boothman, N. (2008). How to make people like you in 90 seconds or less. Workman Publishing.

Luft, J. and Ingham, H. (1961). The Johari window. Human relations training news, 5(1), 6-7. http://www.richerexperiences.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/Johari-Window.pdf

Miller, C. (1994). The empowered communicator: Keys to unlocking an audience. Broadman & Holman Publishers.

Pease, A., & Pease, B. (2006). The definitive book of body language. Bantam Books.


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