End of Chapter Problems

This part of the e-text contains problems for students to gain extra practice.  There will eventually be a set of problems for each chapter.

  1. Introduction
  2. Nomenclature
  3. Stoichiometry
  4. Gas Laws
  5. Energy Enthalpy and Thermochemistry
  6. Quantum Mechanics
  7. Molecular Structure
  8. Phase Transitions
  9. Liquid and Solid Solution Phase Changes
  10. Solids
  11. Colligative Properties
  12. Chemical Equilibrium
  13. Solubility
  14. Acid-Base Chemistry
  15. Thermochemistry II: Spontaneity, Entropy and Gibbs Energy
  16. Redox and Electrochemistry
  17. Organic Reactions
  18. Kinetics


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First Year General Chemistry Copyright © 2020 by Michael Mombourquette is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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