
21.7 IFRS/ASPE Key Differences

A voluntary accounting policy change can only be made if the new policy results in reliable and more relevant information. A voluntary accounting policy change can be made if either:

  1. The new policy results in reliable and more relevant information, or
  2. It is a change between alternative methods specifically allowed in certain GAAP standards (investments in subsidiaries, jointly controlled enterprises and associates, intangible assets, defined benefit plans, income taxes, and financial instruments).
Errors should be corrected retrospectively, unless it is impracticable to do so. Errors should always be corrected retrospectively. There is no recognition of the concept of impracticability for error corrections.
When applying a change retrospectively, a restated balance sheet at the beginning of the earliest comparative period must be presented. When applying a change retrospectively, the effect on the opening balances of the earliest comparative period should be identified, but a restated opening balance sheet is not required.
Disclosure of the potential future effects of accounting standards issued, but not yet effective, needs to be made. No disclosures for standards not yet implemented are required.


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