Student Research Ideas
If you are interested in learning more about homelessness and contributing new knowledge to the field, here are some ideas you may want to consider for an Honour’s or Master’s thesis.
- Rural homelessness is an under-recognized yet pressing social problem. Identify a rural community (where you live or nearby) and conduct a review of the services that are available locally to address people’s housing, health, and social needs. Make recommendations for extending service options based on the gaps that emerge.
- Safe Streets Act legislation exists in Ontario and British Columbia. Despite repeated calls to repeal this legislation, other provinces have continued to consider implementing their own versions. The research overwhelmingly shows these laws are harmful to people experiencing homelessness and to the wider community. Conduct a literature review and create public information posters or a slide deck presentation that advocacy groups could use to lobby against the implementation of these laws. For inspiration, check out these infographics created by students in Dr. Erin Dej’s class: Reflections on the Link Between Homelessness and Criminalization: A Student Perspective | The Homeless Hub
- Not in my backyard [NIMBY] attitudes are a considerable barrier to building new housing and homelessness supports within a community. Conduct a survey within your community to learn about public support for the development of new services. For a more advanced study, use the survey findings to create a public education campaign such as through social media, a blog, or podcast that addresses specific misconceptions or reasons for resistance. Evaluate your campaign with a focus group prior to its release.