Featured Artwork Gallery
The artwork featured here was collected by authors James Davy and Nicole Whitmore who reached out to community members with lived experience of homelessness.
The work of these artists greatly enriched the content of the book.
Tormented – Sophia Davidson
Featured in Chapter 1.

Artist: Sophia Davidson
Homelessness is tormented darkness. There is no real centre. The colours, green, red, and blue represent the elements of earth, fire, and water. The darkness is battling against them. No colours can be established anywhere.
This picture depicts the Homeless and the problems and solutions available – Makaya Moreau
Featured in Chapter 2.

Artist: Makaya Moreau
A life of judgement. My struggle shouldn’t define who I am as a human being – Jason Coombes
Featured in Chapter 3.

Artist: Jason Coombes
Lost in Thought – Sophia G Davidson
Featured in Chapter 4.

Artist: Sophia G Davidson
The feeling of having nowhere to go and confusion experienced with homelessness. Colourful matrices surround and are part of the wisps of thought, the hues of the soul, but the inner and outer turmoil is what is featured.
Life can unravel before your very eyes – Tammy
Featured in Chapter 5.

Artist: Tammy
We have dreams – Joe
Featured in Chapter 6.

Artist: Joe
Connection is the key to community and hope – Joe
Featured in Chapter 7.

Artist: Joe
I refuse to give up! I will have a home again with my children – Tammy
Featured in Chapter 8.

Artist: Tammy
Minimum supports in a rural area make a homeless person feel alone and invisible – Jason Coombes
Featured in Chapter 9.

Artist: Jason Coombes
Homelessness is only invisible if you refuse to open your eyes – Joe
Featured in Chapter 10.

Artist: Joe