
27 Module 3: Lecturing and facilitating to enhance classroom inclusivity for linguistically and culturally diverse students

Course Design

The modules in this micro-credential are designed following the 4A‘s approach.

Activate prior knowledge – includes tasks that help participants make connections to existing schemata

Acquire new knowledge – presents foundational readings and tasks that introduce target concepts

Apply new knowledge – tasks to connect new knowledge to current practice

Assess the knowledge – formative assessment applications and summative assessment suggestions for individuals seeking a micro credential

Module 3 Delivery


List modifications for a specific lesson that will support comprehension and active participation of English Language Learners in classroom activities.


  1. Identify strategies that create a welcoming environment for all learners.
  2. Analyze a lesson based on best practices for engaging learners.
  3. Identify parts of a lesson plan that would benefit from scripted teacher talk.
  4. Identify elicitation techniques that enhance participation and support
    confidence building.

Framing the Training

Asset-Based Pedagogy

If you did not complete Module 1, we recommend that you start this unit by framing it with the section  from Module 1 that is intended to introduce or review concepts of Asset-Based Pedagogies. These concepts underpin the information in this module, so we encourage participants to complete this section first.

In order to decide if you should direct participants to this section, you can ask yourself the following questions:

  1. Are participants familiar with the concepts of deficit approaches, difference approaches, and asset-based approaches?
  2. Are participants familiar with the concepts of Culturally Relevant and Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy?

If participants are not familiar, or only somewhat familiar with these concepts, we advise that this section be completed before progressing to other parts of the module.

Lecturing and facilitating to enhance classroom inclusivity for linguistically and culturally diverse students

Creating an Equitable and Supportive Classroom Environment


What: Recognizing personal beliefs about your role in the classroom and beliefs about the classroom.

How: Reflective question set [H5P Question Set]

S3 Reflections on Classroom Practice and Beliefs [Word]   S3 Reflections on Classroom Practice and Beliefs [Pdf]


What: ELLs’ relationships with instructors and their approaches.

How: Watch ELLs speak about their experiences entering N.A. post-secondary, the relationships they experienced with instructors and the approaches that supported their success. Read about ways to create a welcoming classroom (creating a liquid syllabus, classroom design, dealing with micro aggressions).

S3 Relationships with Instructors Questions [Word]   S3 Relationships with Instructors Questions [PDF]

Creating an Equitable and Supportive Classroom Comprehension Check [Word]  Creating an Equitable and Supportive Classroom Comprehension Check [PDF]

Delivering Content to Support Adult Learners


What: Describe your philosophy / approach to teaching.

How: Use pictures as a prompt to describe a metaphor that is representative of your teaching philosophy.


What: Principles of andragogy

How: Watch a video describing principles of andragogy and answer the comprehension questions. Then read suggestions for setting the context and activating prior knowledge, and parts of a lesson with a 3As self check.

Andragogy Comprehension Check [Word]  Andragogy Comprehension Check [PDF]

S3 Three A’s Lesson Parts  [Word] S3 Three A’s Lesson Parts [PDF]

Planning Lessons to Support ELLs


What: Considerations that make lessons more accessible for ELLs.

How: Read suggestions for making lessons more accessible for ELLs including types of teacher talk & teacher talking time, word choice, content chunking, and providing oral instructions. Watch a short video of bad teaching and discuss.


How: Review a lesson plan to identify sections where planning your teacher talk or instructions would make your lesson more accessible. Create a short script.

Sociocultural Influences on Engagement


What: Reflection of experiences of being a student and a teacher and how these experiences has shaped their worldview. Consider classroom interaction and active participation.

How: Personal Notes: Watch a video where students talk about the difference between their classrooms


What: Student-centred teaching embraces learners’ linguistic and cultural backgrounds and provides diverse opportunities for learning and demonstrating knowledge. The UDL and CRP principles that underpin this approach to learning share many similarities with the social constructivist pedagogy which establishes the importance of the social context of learning communities and the learner’s agency and engagement in the learning task.

How: Read about the similarities of UDL, CRP and social constructivist pedagogy. View a video that highlights similarities between UDL and Constructivist Pedagogy.

Elicitation Techniques


What: Specific strategies and elicitation techniques to support active engagement and student-centred learning

How: Reading and application of strategies including using pictures and guided questions, using actions and guided questions, asking better questions, using charts and organizers, and questioning techniques (structured vs. open-ended, convergent vs. divergent, lower level vs higher level cognitive questions).

Question Prompts Based on Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy [Word] Question Prompts Based on Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy [Pdf]

Asking Better Questions  [Word] S3 Asking Better Questions [PDF]


What: For participants completing this module as part of a micro-credential badge, assign a summative assessment that incorporates the concepts covered in the module.

How:  SP3 Summative Assessment & Rubric

SPELL 3 Assessment: SPELL-3-Fnl-Assessment [Word] SPELL-3-Fnl-Assessment [PDF]


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