Chapter 8: Technology Introduced
Technology Introduced
The following calculator functions were introduced in this chapter:

Date Function
- 2nd DATE to access.
- Enter two of the three variables (DT1, DT2, DBD) by pressing Enter after each input and using [latex]\uparrow[/latex] and [latex]\downarrow[/latex] to scroll through the display. The variables are:
- DT1 = The starting date of the transaction
- DT2 = The ending date of the transaction
- DBD = The days between the dates, counting the first day but not the last, which is the time period of the transaction.
- ACT / 360 = A setting for determining how the calculator determines the DBD. In Canada, you should maintain this setting on ACT, which is the actual number of days. In other countries, such as the United States, they treat each year as having 360 days (the 360 setting) and each month as having 30 days. If you need to toggle this setting, press 2nd SET.
- Enter all dates in the format of MM.DDYY, where MM is the numerical month, DD is the day, and YY is the last two digits of the year. DD and YY must always be entered with both digits.
- Press CPT on the unknown (when it is on the screen display) to compute the answer.
Image Description
Figure 8.C: Picture of the BAII Plus calculator showing the “ENTER”, “CPT”, “2ND”, “DATE”, “CLR WORK”, “UP ARROW”, “DOWN ARROW” keys. [Back to Figure 8.C]