Singular value decomposition (SVD) theorem
Theorem: Singular Value Decomposition (SVD)
An arbitrary matrix admits a decomposition of the form
where are both orthogonal matrices, and the matrix
is diagonal:
where the positive numbers are unique, and are called the singular values of
. The number
is equal to the rank of
, and the triplet
is called a singular value decomposition (SVD) of
. The first
columns of
) are called left (resp. right) singular vectors of
, and satisfy
Proof: The matrix is real and symmetric. According to the spectral theorem, it admits an eigenvalue decomposition in the form
, with
matrix whose columns form an orthonormal basis (that is,
), and
. Here,
is the rank of
then there are no trailing zeros in
). Since
is positive semi-definite, the
‘s are non-negative, and we can define the non-zero quantities
Note that when , since then
Let us construct an orthogonal matrix
as follows. We set
These -vectors are unit-norm, and mutually orthogonal since
‘s are eigenvectors of
. Using (say) the Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization procedure, we can complete (if necessary, that is in the case
) this set of vectors by
in order to form an orthogonal matrix
Let us check that satisfy the conditions of the theorem, by showing that
. We have
where the second line stems from the fact that when
. Thus,
, as claimed.