Optimality condition for a convex, linearly constrained problem
Theorem: optimality condition for convex, linearly constrained problems
Consider the linearly constrained optimization problem
where is convex and differentiable, and
define the equality constraints.
A point is optimal for the above problem if and only if it satisfies
for some vector .
Proof: Let us re-formulate the optimality condition is
where the feasible set is now the affine set
We can write the above as: and
Since we can always flip the sign of vectors with
, we can express the above as
This means that should be orthogonal to the nullspace of
From the Fundamental theorem of linear algebra, this in turn says that should belong to the range of the transpose matrix,
. In other words, the above condition is equivalent to
We conclude that the optimality conditions for to be optimal are that there exists a vector
such that
This ends our proof.