
Local and Global Optima in Convex Optimization

Theorem: Global vs. local optima in convex optimization
For convex problems, any locally optimal point is globally optimal. In addition, the optimal set is convex.
Proof: Let x^* be a local minimizer of f_0 on the set \mathbf{X}, and let y \in \mathbf{X}. By definition, x^* \in \backslash bf dom f_0. We need to prove that f_0(y) \geq f_0\left(x^*\right)=p^*. There is nothing to prove if f_0(y)=+\infty, so let us assume that y \in \backslash bf dom f_0. By convexity of f_0 and \mathbf{X}, we have x_\theta:=\theta y+(1-\theta) x^* \in \mathbf{X}, and:

    \[f_0\left(x_\theta\right)-f_0\left(x^*\right) \leq \theta\left(f_0(y)-f_0\left(x^*\right)\right) .\]

Since x^* is a local minimizer, the left-hand side in this inequality is nonnegative for all small enough values of \theta>0. We conclude that the right hand side is nonnegative, i.e., f_0(y) \geq f_0\left(x^*\right), as claimed.
Also, the optimal set is convex, since it can be written

    \[\mathbf{X}^{\text {opt }}=\left\{x \in \mathbf{R}^n: f_0(x) \leq p^*, \quad x \in \mathbf{X}\right\} .\]

This ends our proof.


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