
Convex and conic hull

Convex hull of a finite set of points

The convex hull of a set of points {x1,…,xm} is defined as the set

{\bf Co}(x1,…,xm):={∑i=1mλixi:λi≥0,i=1,…,m,∑i=1mλi=1}.

By definition, this set is convex. Note the analogy with the notion of span of a collection of vectors. Here also, we consider combinations of vectors ∑i=1mλixi, but we restrict the weights λ to be non-negative and sum to one.

alt text Example: Convex hull generated by six points in R2. Note that one of the points is in the interior of the convex hull, so that the same convex hull is generated with the remaining five points.
Matlab syntax to plot the convex hull (for n=2)
>> inds = convhull(x,y);
>> plot(x,y);
alt text Example: Convex hull of the unit basis vectors e1,e2,e3 in R3. This is the set

{\bf Co}(e1,e2,e3)={λ1e1+λ2e2+λ3e3:λi≥0,i=1,2,3,λ1+λ2+λ3=1}.

By definition, the vector λ1e1+λ2e2+λ3e3 is the vector in R3 with components (λ1,λ2,λ3). Hence, the set above is the set of vectors in R3 with non-negative components which sum to one:

{\bf Co}(e1,e2,e3)={λ∈R3:λ≥0,1Tλ=1},

where the component-wise inequality notation λ≥0 expresses the fact that the vector λ has non-negative components, and 1 stands for the vector of ones. This set is called the probability simplex.

Convex hull of a set

More generally, for any given set C in Rn, we can define its convex hull as the set of convex combinations of any finite collection of points contained in it.

alt text Example: The convex hull of the union of two ellipses.

Conic hull

The conic hull of a set of points {x1,…,xm} is defined as


Example: The conic hull of the union of the three-dimensional simplex above and the singleton {0} is the whole set R+3, which is the set of real vectors that have non-negative components. The figure shows that indeed any vector v∈R+3 can be obtained by a positive scaling of a vector vn in the three-dimensional simplex: vn=αv, with α:=v1+v2+v3≥0.


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