Sample covariance matrix
For a vector , the sample variance
measures the average deviation of its coefficients around the sample average

Now consider a matrix , where each column
represents a data point in
. We are interested in describing the amount of variance in this data set. To this end, we look at the numbers we obtain by projecting the data along a line defined by the direction
. This corresponds to the (row) vector in

The corresponding sample mean and variance are

where is the sample mean of the vectors
The sample variance along direction can be expressed as a quadratic form in
![Rendered by \sigma^2(u) = \frac{1}{n} \sum\limits_{k=1}^n [u^T(x_k-\hat{x}]^2 = u^T\sum u,](
where is a
symmetric matrix, called the sample covariance matrix of the data points:

The covariance matrix satisfies the following properties.
- The sample covariance matrix allows finding the variance along any direction in data space.
- The diagonal elements of
give the variances of each vector in the data.
- The trace of
gives the sum of all the variances.
- The matrix
is positive semi-definite, since the associated quadratic form
is non-negative everywhere.
Matlab syntax
The following matlab syntax assumes that the data points in
are collected in a
>> xhat = mean(X,2); % mean of columns of matrix X >> Xc = X-xhat*ones(1,m); % centered data matrix >> Sigma = (1/m)*Xc'*Xc; % covariance matrix >> Sigma = cov(X',1); % built-in command produces the same thing