
Hyperplanes and half-spaces


hyperplane is a set described by a single scalar product equality. Precisely, an hyperplane in \mathbb{R}^n is a set of the form

{\bf H} = \{x: a^Tx = b\},

where a \in \mathbb{R}^n, a \neq 0, and b \in \mathbb{R} are given. When b=0, the hyperplane is simply the set of points that are orthogonal to a; when b \neq 0, the hyperplane is a translation, along direction a, of that set.

If x_0 \in {\bf H}, then for any other element x \in {\bf H}, we have

b = a^Tx_0 = a^Tx.

Hence, the hyperplane can be characterized as the set of vectors x such that x - x_0 is orthogonal to a:

{\bf H} = \{x: a^T(x-x_0) = 0\}.

Hyperplanes are affine sets, of dimension n-1 (see the proof here). Thus, they generalize the usual notion of a plane in \mathbb{R}^3. Hyperplanes are very useful because they allow to separate the whole space into two regions. The notion of half-space formalizes this.


Projection on a hyperplane

Consider the hyperplane {\bf H} = \{x: a^Tx = b\}, and assume without loss of generality that a is normalized (||a||_2 =1). We can represent {\bf H} as the set of points x such that x- x_0 is orthogonal to a, where x_0 is any vector in {\bf H}, that is, such that a^Tx_0 = b. One such vector is x_{proj}:= ba.

By construction, x_{proj} is the projection of 0 on {\bf H}. That is, it is the point on {\bf H} closest to the origin, as it solves the projection problem

\min\limits_x ||x||_2: x \in {\bf H}

Indeed, for any  x \in {\bf H}, using the Cauchy-Schwartz inequality:

||x_0||_2 = |b| = |a^Tx| \leq ||a||_2 \cdot ||x||_2 = ||x||_2,

and the minimum length |b| is attained with x_{proj} = ba.

Geometry of hyperplanes

alt text Geometrically, a hyperplane {\bf H} = \{x: a^Tx = b\}, with ||a||_2 = 1, is a translation of the set of vectors orthogonal to a. The direction of the translation is determined by a, and the amount by b.

Precisely, |b| is the length of the closest point x_0 on {\bf H} from the origin, and the sign of b determines if {\bf H} is away from the origin along the direction a or -a. As we increase the magnitude of b, the hyperplane is shifting further away along \pm a, depending on the sign of b. In the image on the left, the scalar b is positive, as x_0 and a point to the same direction.


A half-space is a subset of \mathbb{R}^n defined by a single inequality involving a scalar product. Precisely, a half-space in \mathbb{R}^n is a set of the form

{\bf H} = \{x: a^Tx \ge b\},

where a \in \mathbb{R}^n, a \neq 0, and b \in \mathbb{R} are given.

Geometrically, the half-space above is the set of points such that {a^T(x-x_0) \ge 0, that is, the angle between x - x_0 and a is acute (in [-90^{\circ}; +90^{\circ}). Here x_0 is the point closest to the origin on the hyperplane defined by the equality a^Tx = b. (When a is normalized, as in the picture, x_0 = ba.)

alt text The half-space \{x: a^Tx \ge b\}, is the set of points such that x-x_0 forms an acute angle with a, where x_0 is the projection of the origin on the boundary of the half-space.


Hyper-Textbook: Optimization Models and Applications Copyright © by L. El Ghaoui. All Rights Reserved.