
Bag-of-words representation of text

Consider the following text:

A (real) vector is just a collection of real numbers, referred to as the components (or, elements) of the vector; \mathbb{R}^n denotes the set of vectors with n elements. If x \in \mathbb{R}^n denotes a vector, we use subscripts to denote elements, so that x_i is the i-th component of x. Vectors are arranged in a column, or a row. If x is a column vector, x^T denotes the corresponding row vector, and vice-versa.

The row vector x = [5,3,4] contains the number of times each word in the list {vector, of, the} appear in the above paragraph. Vectors can be thus used to represent text documents. The representation often referred to as the bag-of-words representation, is not faithful, as it ignores the respective order of appearance of the words. In addition, often, stop words (such as the or of) are also ignored.

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