
Auto-Regressive (AR) models for time-series prediction

A popular model for the prediction of time series is based on the so-called auto-regressive model

y_t=\theta_1y_{t-1}+\ldots+\theta_my_{t-m}, t=1,\ldots,m,

where \theta_i‘s are constant coefficients, and m is the ‘‘memory length’’ of the model. The interpretation of the model is that the next output is a linear function of the past. Elaborate variants of auto-regressive models are widely used for the prediction of time series arising in finance and economics.

To find the coefficient vector theta in R^m, we collect observations \left(y_t\right)_{0 \leq t \leq T} (with T \geq m) of the time series, and try to minimize the total squared error in the above equation:

    \[\min _\theta: \sum_{t=m}^T\left(y_t-\theta_1 y_{t-1}-\ldots-\theta_m y_{t-m}\right)^2 .\]

This can be expressed as a linear least-squares problem, with appropriate data A, y.

See also: Linear regression via Least-Squares.


Hyper-Textbook: Optimization Models and Applications Copyright © by L. El Ghaoui. All Rights Reserved.