Ratios and proportions are used in a wide variety of situations to make comparisons. For example, using the information from Figure 2.2, we can see that the number of Facebook users compared to the number of Twitter users is 2,498 m to 386 m. Note that the “m” stands for million, so 2,498 million is actually 2,498,000,000 and 386 million is 386,000,000. Similarly, the number of Qzone users compared to the number of Pinterest users is in a ratio of 517 million to 366 million. These types of comparisons are ratios.

Chart: Facebook Inc. Dominates the Social Media Landscape by Statista, CC BY-ND 3.0.
Constructing Ratios to Express Comparison of Two Quantities
Note there are three different ways to write a ratio, which is a comparison of two numbers that can be written as: [latex]a[/latex] to [latex]b[/latex] OR [latex]a:b[/latex] OR the fraction [latex]a/b[/latex]. Which method you use often depends upon the situation. For the most part, we will want to write our ratios using the fraction notation. Note that, while all ratios are fractions, not all fractions are ratios. Ratios make part to part, part to whole, and whole to part comparisons. Fractions make part to whole comparisons only.
Example 2.3
Expressing the Relationship between Two Currencies as a Ratio
The Euro (€) is the most common currency used in Europe. Twenty-two nations, including Italy, France, Germany, Spain, Portugal, and the Netherlands use it. On June 9, 2021, [latex]1[/latex] U.S. dollar was worth [latex]0.82[/latex] Euros. Write this comparison as a ratio.
Using the definition of ratio, let [latex]a=1[/latex] U.S. dollar and let [latex]b=0.82[/latex] Euros. Then the ratio can be written as either [latex]1[/latex] to [latex]0.82[/latex]; or [latex]1:0.82[/latex]; or [latex]\frac{1}{0.82}[/latex].
Exercise 2.3
[latex]a = 1[/latex] U.S. dollar, and [latex]b = 1.21[/latex] Canadian dollars, the ratio is [latex]1[/latex] to [latex]1.21[/latex]; or [latex]1:1.21[/latex]; or [latex]\frac{1}{1.21}[/latex].