Book Title: HyFlex Course Design and Teaching Strategies

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Book Description: HyFlex Course Design and Teaching Strategies is intended as an introductory resource for post-secondary faculty engaging in HyFlex teaching and learning. It includes four modules to help faculty with HyFlex course development and assessment design, lesson planning, content curation/creation, engaging students in multiple modalities, and evaluating the effectiveness of HyFlex courses. Each module contains information, interactive practice activities, examples, and culminating activities so that learners may plan, execute and evaluate their HyFlex practice.
Book Information
HyFlex Course Design and Teaching Strategies Copyright © 2022 by Angela Barclay; Krista Ceccolini; Kathleen Clarke; Nicole Domonchuk; Sidney Shapiro; Jupsimar Singh; Mel Young; Jenni Hayman; Joseph Beer; and Courtney Arseneau is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.