56 Accessible Font Choices in Social Media

Font styles and size can be difficult to manage within social media platforms. Where they can be controlled, consider the following:

Best-Practice for Accessible Font Styles in Digital Contexts

  • Sans serif fonts (Calibri, Arial, and Open Sans).
  • Font size of 12+ or larger.
  • Bolded text.​
  • 1.5 minimum line spacing. ​

Font Styles to Avoid in Digital Contexts

  • Serif fonts: Times New Roman.​
  • Italic or underlined fonts: Freestyle Script.​
  • Compressed fonts: Bernard MD Condensed.​
  • Fonts with uneven line weights: Broadway.
  • Decorative fonts: Algerian.
  • Underlined text that is not a hyperlink.
  • Complex symbols or characters without alternative text.


Accessible Digital Content Training Copyright © by Jessica Blackwood and Kate Brown. All Rights Reserved.

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