42 Contributors and Works Cited

Thank you for completing this training workshop on the 7 Core Skills of Digital Accessibility! If you have any questions or would like to learn more about digital accessibility on campus, please feel free to contact us at the emails below:


Contact Information

Special Thanks to Our Contributors


Works Cited

Deque University. (2020). Online Self-Paced Accessibility Classes. https://dequeuniversity.com/curriculum/online-classes/
McMaster University. (2019). Forward with FLEXibility: A Teaching & Learning Resource on Accessibility and Inclusion. https://gs.mcmaster.ca/news-events/events/forward-flexibility-teaching-learning-resource-accessibility-and-inclusion



Morgan, Michelle. (2020). Accessibility in Higher Education: Considerations & Strategies During Covid-19 / EDUCAUSE Online Course.
Shaw, G. (2017). Creating Accessible Documents in Microsoft Office. https://www.linkedin.com/learning/creating-accessible-documents-in-microsoft-office/


University of Minnesota. (2020). Start with the 7 Core Skills | Accessible U. https://accessibility.umn.edu/what-you-can-do/start-7-core-skills




Accessible Digital Content Training Copyright © by Jessica Blackwood and Kate Brown. All Rights Reserved.

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