Book Title: Sales Leadership Management

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Book Description: This textbook was complied for students in the Sales Leadership and Management course at Fanshawe College. This text introduces students to sales and the sales process along with a strategic and consultative sales model to develop and manage customer relationships effectively. Topics include: careers in sales, customer buying behaviour, the selling process, recruiting and leading a sales team, sales budgets and forecasting, sales analytics, and channel sales partners. Book Analytic Dashboard
Book Information
Book Description
This textbook was complied for students in the Sales Leadership and Management course at Fanshawe College. This text introduces students to sales and the sales process along with a strategic and consultative sales model to develop and manage customer relationships effectively. Topics include: careers in sales, customer buying behaviour, the selling process, recruiting and leading a sales team, sales budgets and forecasting, sales analytics, and channel sales partners.
Sales Leadership Management Copyright © 2023 by Fanshawe College is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.
Sales and marketing management