4.6: Or
Instead of books with titles containing “SQL” and authored by Celko, suppose the end user wants a list of books with “SQL” in the title or where Celko is the author. In this situation we place the criteria on separate lines. MS Access ORs the criteria; a row is selected for the result set if either, or both, of the criteria are true for a row.

1) List the titles of books where the authour name ends with “Celko”.
2) List the titles of books where the authour name ends with “Celko” and the text “data” appears in the title.
3) List the titles of books where the authour name ends with “Celko” or the text “data” appears in the title.
4) List titles of books where the title contains the word “medieval”.
5) List the titles of books where the title contains the words “medicine” and “medieval”.
6) List the titles of books where the title contains the words “medicine” or “medieval”.