
10.1 An Introduction to Talent Acquisition

Photo of many yellow pipes down the side of a grey building.
Photo by Victor, Unsplash License

Individuals working in Operations Management require a constant supply of talent to fill roles within their organization. When hiring new individuals to your organization, you may be familiar with the term “recruitment.” Typically, recruitment is a short-term goal, that begins when there is a need for a new hire and ends when the role is filled. Talent Acquisition, however, is based on a long-term goal focused on creating a pipeline of talent that will continue to fill roles into the future. Talent Acquisition is particularly important for organizations that are experiencing a skills gap. The Talent Acquisition process involves planning, goal alignment, and job description review before the recruitment and selection stages begin. In this chapter, we will examine talent acquisition to ensure operations managers understand not only the process but also the ways in which they will participate in the hiring of new talent in their organizations.