Chapter 2: Delivering Your Message
9 Introduction
Chapter 2 Learning Outcomes
1. Define language and describe its role in the communication process.
2. Describe how language shapes our experience of reality.
3. Give examples of how language can be a barrier to communication.
4. Give examples of message types and the parts of a message.
5. Explain the differences between clichés, jargon, and slang.
6. Demonstrate professional communication related to gender and race.
7. List six strategies for improving verbal communication.
Raised in Ethiopia, Abe’s first language is Arabic. Although she speaks English fluently, and completed her MBA in Canada, she still has some difficulty understanding jargon and slang. She wants to participate in more collegial conversation in her new role. As you read this chapter consider some of the ways that Abe’s colleagues might support her to practise engaging, informal conversation.

How do you communicate? How do you think? We use language as a system to create and exchange meaning with one another, and the types of words we use influence both our perceptions and others interpretations of our meanings. What kinds of words would you use to describe your thoughts and feelings, your preferences in music, cars, food, or other things that matter to you?
Watch the following 10 minute video featuring psychologist Steven Pinker describing the intricacies of language. RSA Video: Language as a Window Into Human Nature
In this chapter you will learn more about the importance of delivering your message in words. You will explore how the characteristics of language interact in ways that can both improve and diminish effective business communication. You will examine how language plays a significant role in how you perceive and interact with the world, and how culture, language, education, gender, race, and ethnicity all influence this dynamic process. You will look at ways to avoid miscommunication and focus on constructive ways to get your message delivered to your receiver with the meaning you intended.
Chapter Preview
- What Is Language?
- Messages
- Principles of Verbal Communication
- Language Can be an Obstacle to Communication
- Improving Verbal Communication
- Conclusion