
Chapter 9: Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Communication

64 Conclusion

image of a man with a moustacheReturning to Dhavit’s interview process, what types of questions would you ask potential candidates about their interpersonal and conflict management communication skills related to the busy role of Library Coordinator? If you were applying for this role, how would you prepare?

Check Your Knowledge

Additional Resources

A Literary Devices article describes the literary devices of “interior monologue” and stream of consciousness. http://literarydevices.net/stream-of-consciousness/

Read an informative article on self-concept and self-esteem by Arash Farzaneh. http://psychology.suite101.com/article.cfm/impact_of_selfconcept_and_selfesteem_on_life

Advice from Monster.ca on Job Interviews https://www.monster.ca/career-advice/article/interview-performance-tips-canada

Globe and Mail: Conflict-management skills now in high demand in the workplace https://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/careers/career-advice/life-at-work/conflict-management-skills-now-in-high-demand-in-workplaces/article29722270/



Defensive communication – characterized by control, evaluation, and judgments, while supportive communication focuses on the points and not personalities.
Empathy – paying attention to feelings and emotions associated with content and information so that relationships are built and conflict is constructively addressed.
Face-detracting – strategies that involve messages or statements that take away from the respect, integrity, or credibility of a person.
Face-saving – strategies that protect credibility and separate message from messenger.
Internal monologue – refers to the self-talk of intrapersonal communication.
Interpersonal communication – the process of exchanging messages between two people whose lives mutually influence one another in unique ways in relation to social and cultural norms.
Intrapersonal communication – communication with one’s self, and that may include self-talk, acts of imagination and visualization, and even recall and memory.
Self-concept  – what we perceive ourselves to be.
Self-disclosure – information, thoughts, or feelings we tell others about ourselves that they would not otherwise know.
Self-reflection – a trait that allows us to adapt and change to our context or environment, to accept or reject messages, to examine our concept of ourselves and choose to improve.
Social penetration theory – people go from superficial to intimate conversations as trust develops through repeated, positive interactions.


Altman, I., & Taylor, D. (1973). Social penetration: The development of interpersonal relationships. New York, NY: St. Martin’s Press.

Beebe, S. [Steven], Beebe, S. [Susan], & Redmond, M. (2002). Interpersonal communication relating to others (3rd ed.). Boston, MA: Allyn Bacon.

DeVito, J. (2003). Messages: Building interpersonal skills. Boston, MA: Allyn Bacon.

Donohue, W., Klot, R. (1992). Managing interpersonal conflict. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

McLean, S. (2005). The basics of interpersonal communication. Boston, MA: Allyn Bacon.

National Association of Colleges and Employers, Job Outlook 2011 (2010). Retrieved from http://op.bna.com.s3.amazonaws.com/dlrcases.nsf/r%3FOpen%3dabis-8gqp9x

Pinker, S. (2009). The stuff of thought: Language as a window to human nature. New York, NY: Penguin Books.

Shedletsky, L. J. (1989). Meaning and mind: An interpersonal approach to human communication. ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading and Communication Skills: Annandale, Va.

University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing. (2013). Communication in the real world: An introduction to communication studies [open textbook]. Retrieved from http://open.lib.umn.edu/communication/front-matter/publisher-information/