1.3 Types of Sentences: Simple Sentences

Types of Sentences

In English, three basic types of sentences exist: simple, compound, and complex. Each type is discussed in the next few chapters.

Simple Sentences

A simple sentence expresses one idea.

  • Prita is reviewing the financial aspects of our proposed campaign with the marketing team.
  • Sales representatives in our Mumbai office have reported exceptional growth this quarter.
  • Alexander provided us with three financing options at yesterday’s meeting.
  • Procurement management is the strategic approach to managing and optimizing organizational spending.

Note: All of the examples above contain only one independent clause. They, nonetheless, offer readers lots of information (high information content sentences) because they include prepositional phrases.

Using Prepositional Phrases in Simple Sentences

When used skillfully, prepositional phrases can provide the reader with additional information in a precise and concise manner. The table below lists some of the common prepositional phrases.

List of Common Prepositional Phrases
List of Common Prepositional Phrases
about behind except outside
above below for over
across beneath from past
after beside in through
along beyond into under
among by near until
at down off with
before during on without


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Writing and Critical Thinking Skills for BUSN732 Students Copyright © by Sylvia Vrh-Zoldos and Lillian Mak is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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