
London and Area Organizations That Have Hosted Fanshawe College Recreation and Leisure Services Placement Students

Legend: Economic Sectors

P = Public

C = Private (Commercial)

NP = Not for Profit

Areas of Recreation  & Leisure Industry

AL = Active Living – Health Wellness and Fitness

S&L = Amateur/Recreational Sport & Leisure

OR= Outdoor Recreation and Parks

CR = Community Recreation

Delivery Labour Market Agency Name Location Link
C AL Afton Park Place Sarnia, ON http://ltc.srgroup.ca/aftonparkplace_sarnia.htm
NP AL Alzheimer Society of Elgin-St. Thomas St. Thomas, ON https://alzswp.ca
NP AL Alzheimer Southwest Partners London, ON https://alzswp.ca
NP AL Anago - Community Participation Support Program London, ON www.anago.on.ca/
C AL Arbor Trace London, ON https://www.sunshineretirementliving.com/arbor-trace-memory-care-london-on/
C AL Bluewater Rest Home Zurich, ON https://westhuroncarecentre.com/services/long-term-care/blue-water-rest-home/
NP S&L BMO Centre London London, ON https://www.bmocentrelondon.com
P AL Bobier Villa Long Term Care Home Dutton, ON https://www.elgincounty.ca/homes-seniors-services/bobier-villa/
C S&L Boler Mountain London, ON www.bolermountain.com/
NP CR Boys & Girls Club of London London, ON www.bgclondon.ca
NP AL Canadian Cancer Society London, ON www.cancer.ca
P AL Canadian Centre for Activity and Aging London, ON www.uwo.ca/ccaa/
NP AL Canadian Mental Health Association - Middlesex London, ON www.cmhamiddlesex.ca
NP AL Canadian Mental Health Association, Elgin Branch St Thomas, ON www.cmhaelgin.ca
NP AL Candian Mental Health Association, Strathroy Strathroy, ON www.cmhamiddlesex.ca
C AL Chartwell Riverside Retirement Residence London, ON https://chartwell.com/en/retirement-residences/chartwell-riverside-retirement-residence/overview
C AL Chartwell Royalcliffe Retirement Residence London, ON https://chartwell.com/en/retirement-residences/chartwell-royalcliffe-retirement-residence/overview
C AL Chelsey Park Retirement Community London, ON https://chelseyparkrh.ca
NP AL Childcan London, ON https://childcan.com
NP AL Children's Connection London, ON www.lcc.on.ca/
C CR Circle R Ranch Delaware, ON www.circlerranch.ca/
P CR City of Brantford Brantford, ON www.brantford.ca/govt/CorporateStructure/Pages/ParksRecreation.aspx
P AL City of Brantford, Community Services and Social Development Brantford, ON www.brantford.ca
P CR City of London London, ON www.london.ca
P CR City of London Aquatics London, ON www.london.ca/aquatics
P CR City of London Dearness Home London, ON https://london.ca/living-london/community-services/senior-supports/dearness-home
P CR City of London Recreation Department London, ON www.london.ca/residents/Recreation/Registration/Pages/Registration.aspx
P CR City of London- North London Optimist Community Centre London, ON www.london.ca/residents/Recreation/Community-Centres/Pages/North-London-Optimist-Community-Centre.aspx
P CR City of St Thomas Parks and Recreation St Thomas, ON www.stthomas.ca/content/parks-and-recreation
P CR City of Waterloo: Waterloo Memorial Recreation Complex Waterloo, ON www.waterloo.ca
P CR City of Woodstock Woodstock, ON www.cityofwoodstock.ca/en/index.asp
P AL Clarke Road SS. TVDSB London, ON http://clarkeroad.tvdsb.ca/en/index.aspx
NP AL Community Living London London, ON https://www.cll.on.ca/
NP AL Community Living Sarnia-Lambton Sarnia, ON www.communitylivingsarnia.org
NP AL Community Outreach Services - Milverton Milverton, ON www.knollcrestlodge.com
NP AL County of Brant Paris, ON www.brant.ca
P AL CPRI - Child and Parent Resource Institute London, ON https://www.ontario.ca/page/child-and-parent-resource-institute-cpri
NP AL Craigwood Children, Youth & Family Services London, ON www.craigwood.on.ca
NP AL Craigwood Youth Services Ailsa Craig, ON http://craigwood.on.ca/
NP AL Criagwiel Gardens Ailsa Craig, ON https://craigwielgardens.on.ca
C CR CTC Obstacles London, ON https://ctcobstacles.ca
NP AL Dale Brain Injury Services London, ON https://www.daleservices.on.ca/
C AL Dorchester Terrace Dorcester, ON https://sifton.com/retirement/dorchester-terrace/
C AL Earls Court Village Long Term Care Home London, ON https://svch.ca/long-term-care/earls-court-village/
C CR East Park Gardens London, ON www.eastparkgolf.com
P AL Elgin Manor St Thomas, ON https://www.elgincounty.ca/homes-seniors-services/elgin-manor/
C AL Elmwood Place Long Term Care Home London, ON https://www.reveraliving.com/long-term-care/locations/elmwood-place
NP AL Epilepsy Southwestern Ontario London, ON https://epilepsyswo.ca
C AL Exeter Villa Retirement Living and Long-Term Care Home Exeter, ON http://atkcare.com/exetervilla.html
P S&L Fanshawe College Athletics London, ON www.fanshawefalcons.ca
P CR Fanshawe College Recreation London, ON https://www.fanshawefalcons.ca/recreation/campusrec
P S&L Fanshawe College Student Union London, ON https://www.fsu.ca
P OR Fanshawe Conservation Authority London, ON www.fanshaweconservationarea.ca/
P CR Fanshawe Pioneer Village London, ON www.fanshawepioneervillage.ca/
C AL Fitness Forum London, ON www.fitnessforum.ca
P AL Forest City Kiwanis Seniors Centre London, ON https://london.ca/living-london/parks-facilities/community-centres/kiwanis-seniors-community-centre
C CR Forest City Sport & Social Club London, ON www.fcssc.ca
C AL Glendale Crossing London, ON www.schlegelvillages.com
C AL Goodlife Fitness London, ON www.goodlifefitness.com/locations/ontario/london/king-wellington
C S&L Grand Theatre London, ON https://www.grandtheatre.com
C AL Greenwood Court Stratford, ON https://tcmhomes.com
NP AL Growing Chefs! Ontario London, ON https://growingchefsontario.ca
P AL Hamilton Rd Seniors Centre London, ON https://london.ca/living-london/parks-facilities/community-centres/hamilton-road-seniors-community-centre
C AL Henley Place London, ON https://www.primacareliving.com/henley-place
C AL Highview Residence London, ON http://highviewres.com/
C AL Horizon Place Revera Retirement Living London, ON https://horizonplace.ca
NP AL Humana Community Services London, ON https://www.humanacs.org
NP AL Hutton House Association for adults with disabilities London, ON https://huttonhouse.com
C CR Ichabod's Escape (Escape Canada) London, ON https://ichabodsescape.com
C AL Inspirit Residences London, ON https://oxfordinspirit.com
C AL Kensington Village Retirement Home and Long Term Care Home London, ON https://svch.ca/long-term-care/kensington-village/
P OR Kettle Creek Conservation Authority St. Thomas, ON www.kettlecreekconservation.on.ca
C AL Kingsway Lodge St. Marys, ON www.kingswaylodge.com
P CR Komoka Wellness and Recreation Centre Komoka, ON https://www.middlesexcentre.on.ca/facilities/komoka-wellness-recreation-centre
NP AL London Children's Museum London, ON www.londonchildrensmuseum.ca/
P S&L London Convention Centre - RBC Place London, ON www.londoncc.com
C S&L London Knights London, ON http://londonknights.com/
C S&L London Sharks Volleyball - Supreme Courts Volleyball London, ON www.londonvolleyball.ca
C AL Maple View Terrace Trillium Retirement Residence London, ON https://oxfordmapleview.com
C AL Masonville Manor Retirement home London, ON https://www.siennaliving.ca/retirement/ontario/masonville-manor-retirement-residence-sabra
NP AL McCormick Dementia Services London, ON https://www.mccormickcaregroup.ca/mccormick-dementia-services-2-2/caregiverscorner/
NP AL McCormick Home London, ON www.mccormickhome.ca
C AL McGarrell Place London, ON www.reveraliving.com/long-term-care/locations/mcgarrell-place
C AL Meadow Park Care Centre London, ON https://www.jarlette.com/long-term-care/meadow-park-london
NP AL Merrymount Children's Centre London, ON www.merrymount.on.ca/
NP AL Merrymount Family Crisis Centre London, ON www.merrymount.on.ca
C AL Metcalfe Gardens Retirement Residence St. Thomas, ON https://www.southwesthealthline.ca/displayservice.aspx?id=13757
P CR Municipality of Central Elgin St Thomas, ON www.centralelgin.org
P CR Municipality of Middlesex Centre - Komoka Wellness Centre Komoka, ON www.middlesexcentre.on.ca
P CR Municipality of Strathroy-Caradoc Strathroy, ON www.strathroy-caradoc.ca
P CR Municipality Of Thames Centre Dorchester, ON www.Thamescentre.on.ca
NP AL N'Amerind Friendship Centre London, ON www.namerind.on.ca/
P AL North Meadows Public School Strathroy, ON https://northmeadows.tvdsb.ca/en/index.aspx
NP AL Northwest London Resource Centre London, ON https://nwlrc.ca
NP AL Participation House London, ON https://www.phsscommunity.com
NP AL PHSS Medical & Complex Care in Community (Participation House Support Services) London, ON https://www.phsscommunity.com
P OR Pinery Provincial Park Grand Bend, ON http://www.pinerypark.on.ca/
C CR Playgrounds Movement Training Centre Kitchener, ON www.kwplaygrounds.ca
P CR Port Stanley Arena Port Stanley, ON https://www.elgintourist.com/business-directory/port-stanley-arena-community-centre
C AL Queens Village for Seniors London, ON www.queensvillage.ca
C AL Richmond Woods by Sifton London, ON https://sifton.com/retirement/richmond-woods/
NP AL Salvation Army London Village London, ON www.salvationarmyvillage.ca
C AL Secord Trails Care Community Ingersoll, ON https://www.siennaliving.ca/long-term-care/ontario/secord-trails-care-community
NP AL South London Neighbourhood Resource Centre London, ON https://slnrc.org
C S&L Spikes London, ON www.spikes.on.ca/
C AL Sprucedale Care Centre Strathroy, ON https://sprucedale.ca
P AL St Joseph's Health Care - Parkwood Institute London, ON https://www.sjhc.london.on.ca/patients-and-visitors/our-locations/parkwood-institute
P CR St Thomas Seniors Recreation Centre ÿ St Thomas, ON www.stthomasseniorscentre.com/
P AL St.George Catholic Elementary School London, ON https://geo.ldcsb.ca
P AL STHC - Third Age Outreach Services (SJHC) London, ON https://www.thirdageoutreach.ca
P AL Strathmere Lodge Strathroy, ON www.middlesex.ca/departments/long-term-care
C S&L Supreme Courts Volleyball Corp London, ON http://supremecourtsvolleyball.com
C CR The Factory London, ON https://thefactorylondon.ca
C AL Thearpy Moving Foward Welland, ON https://therapymovingforward.ca
C S&L Total Package Hockey London, ON www.totalpackagehockey.ca/
P CR Town of St. Marys Senior Services St. Marys, ON www.townofstmarys.com
P CR Town of Tillsonburg Aquatics Tillsonburg, ON https://www.tillsonburg.ca/en/Recreation-and-Culture.aspx
NP AL Tri-County Mennonite Homes- Greenwood Court Stratford, ON https://tcmhomes.com
NP AL United Way London, ON www.unitedwaylm.ca/
P OR Upper Thames River Conservation Authority London, ON www.thamesriver.on.ca
P OR Upper Thames River Conservation Authority, Wildwoond Conservation Area St Marys, ON www.thamesriver.on.ca
P CR UWO Campus Recreation London, ON www.westernmustangs.ca/index.aspx?path=ims
P AL Valleyview Home St. Thomas, ON https://www.stthomas.ca/living_here/valleyview
NP AL VON Oxfordÿ Woodstock ON https://www.von.ca/en/site/oxford
NP AL VON Strathroy Strathroy, ON https://www.vonme.ca/von-middlesex-strathroy
C AL Waverly Mansion Retirement Home London, ON
C CR Western Fair District London, ON https://www.westernfairdistrict.com/western-fair-district-london-ontario
C AL Westmount Gardens Long Term Care Community London, ON http://ltc.srgroup.ca/westmountgardens_london.htm
C AL Wildwood Care Centre St Marys, ON https://omniway.ca/homes/wildwood/
P OR Wildwood Conservation Area St Marys, ON https://www.wildwoodconservationarea.ca
C AL Windermere on the Mount London, ON https://www.reveraliving.com/retirement-living/locations/windermere-on-the-mount
NP AL Women's Community House London, ON https://www.anovafuture.org
C AL X Events London, ON https://www.x.events
NP CR YMCA Bostwick London, ON www.ymcaswo.ca
NP CR YMCA Bob Hayward- London, ON www.ymcaswo.ca
NP CR YMCA Centre Branch London, ON www.ymcawo.ca
NP CR YMCA New Middlesex Centre - Komoka Komoka, ON www.ymcawo.ca/middlesex-centre
NP CR YMCA of St. Thomas-Elgin St. Thomas, ON https://www.ymcaswo.ca/locations/family-ymca-stthomas-elgin
NP CR YMCA St Thomas St. Thomas, ON http://ymcawo.ca/stthomas-contact/
NP CR YMCA Stoney Creek London, ON www.ymcaswo.ca
NP CR YMCA Strathroy-Caradoc Strathroy, ON www.ymcawo.ca
NP AL Youth Opportunities Unlimited London, ON https://www.you.ca