2A General Business Management Applications (Answers to Exercises)

Chapter 2: General Business Management Applications (answers to exercises)

  • 2.1 Percent Change

  1. 5.0023%
  2. $549.25
  3. 5.346%
  4. 5.005%
  5. $17.99
  6. $2,500
  7. 7.1773%
  8. $218.34
  9. 16.2624%
  10. Δ% = −26.2937%; RoC = −3.0048%
  11. a. −2.7248%, b. $246,308.72, c. 10.4833%
  12. −28.5714%
  13. a. 10%, b. −9.5801%, c. −0.5381%
  14. 5.1452%
  15. 15 years
  16. 2.5148%
  17. Amount saved = $193.18; Δ%=−70.0004%
  18. −0.6155%
  19. 61.9048% less time.
  20. a. 8. 3̅%, b. 4.083̅% per period.
  • 2.2 Averages

  1. 15
  2. $1,779
  3. 10
  4. $3,795
  5. 6.7910%
  6. 2.6888%
  7. $0.00802/ml
  8. $6.46
  9. 5.0821%
  10. $15.88
  11. $314.83
  12. 2.74
  13. $125,000
  14. 1.8666%
  15. $0.8082
  16. 99.0805%
  17. a. [latex]Pe^{rt}[/latex] better; [latex]Pe^{rt}[/latex]=$0.005916̅/ml; H&S=$0.006680/ml, b. [latex]Pe^{rt}[/latex] saves $1.74
  18. Grocery 11.2853%; Cosmetics 9.4493%; Pharmaceuticals 8.9208%
  19. $213.64
  20. 10.2809%
  • 2.3 Ratios, Proportions and Prorating

  1. a. 11:2; 1b. 6:13:10; 1c. 2:3:7:9
  2. a. 6:5; 2b. 6:7:4
  3. a. 35:4; 3b. 5:6:7; c. 17:9:27:8
  4. a. 24:5; 4b. 5:2:12; 4c. 12:28:21:15
  5. a. 1:1.10; 5b. 2.14:1:1.12; 5c. 1:16.64:8.33:3.12
  6. a. y=1.87; b. x=44.55; c. q=0.92
  7. a. r=$17.47; x=$18,775.25; b. g=212,142.40; h = $66,294.50; i=$119,330.10
  8. $6,820.95:$4,547.30
  9. $21,897.82:$15,641.30:$9,384.78
  10.  5:7:4
  11. 6:3:4:11
  12. m=$778.88
  13. $383.20
  14. $77,000
  15. Gingerale = 4.45L, Grenadine =1.45L; Vodka = 2.5L
  16. $46,965,000
  17. 7-11: transactions, 4% savings; Tim Horton’s: square metres, 12.963% savings; Quizno’s: transactions, 26.3636% savings
  18. a. Texts = 4,052; Video = 54, Cost =$3,381.18; 18b. $887.73.
  19. 1.64 : 1.29 : 3.21 : 1
  20. Manager = $11,015.12; Supervisor = $5,507.56; Worker = $2,753.78



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Fundamentals of Business Math Copyright © 2021 by Ana Duff, adapted from work by J. Olivier and D. Lippman is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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