Additional Resources
Additional Resources
- Drugs: What’s race got to do with it?
A 2017 article by CBC Radio. (1) - Drug laws and interacting with police Santini, T and Stella, l’amie de Maimie. (2021). Read between the lines – Part I: Drug laws; Part Il: Interacting with police.
Drug Policy Alliance. (2016) What is the Drug War? with Jay-Z & Molly Crabapple
What is the Drug War? With Jay-Z & Molly Crabapple. By Drug Policy Alliance. The Drug Policy Alliance has teamed up with artists Jay-Z and Molly Crabapple to tell the brief history of how the Drug War went from prohibition to the gold rush of the legalized cannabis industry. Do you know your history?(2)

Mass Incarceration, Visualized
Mass Incarceration, Visualized. By The Atlantic. In this animated interview, the sociologist Bruce Western explains the current inevitability of prison for certain demographics of young black men and how it’s become a normal life event. “We’ve chosen the response of the deprivation of liberty for a historically aggrieved group, whose liberty in the United States was never firmly established to begin with,” Western says.(3)

The Evidence Podcast: Cannabis Communications Guide(4)
This Chapter is an adaptation of Exploring Substance Use in Canada by Julie Crouse is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
- Baker, R. (2017, July 17). Drugs: What’s race got to do with it? CBC. Retrieved April 25, 2022, from
- Fernwood Publishing. (2017, October 10). Robyn Maynard – Policing Black Lives [Video]. YouTube.
- The Atlantic. (2015, October 2). Mass Incarceration, Visualized [Video]. YouTube.
- DeSour, A & Arbourne, L (Hosts). 2000. Cannabis Communications Guide (No. 4) [Audio podcast episode]. The Evidence, Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse and Addiction.
The Atlantic. (2015, October 2). Mass Incarceration, Visualized [Video]. YouTube.